Perks are fine, they simply need to be presented in such a way that they offer the player to play the game in a unique manner. Also, I think NPCs should automatically gain perks depending on their skills. It's not fair that the player is given abilities while average NPC joes are not.
The problem is much of the time it really does fall into the title of "lack of self control."
When people ask for options it doesn't bother me. When people want to exclude an option entirely all because they personally don't want it, such as fast travel, then just have to shake my head.
NO, stop that.
Heres the difference, you want a New Feature, wheras somebody else may not. The Key word here is NEW, as in, added on top of the core gameplay.
While you may like being spoonfed through the entire game there are those of us who want a genuine challenge, if those features are still there it simply breaks immersion. When I'm walking between a city (or wishing I could pay to take a silt strider) the fact that fast travel is in the game will be nagging at the back of my head, reminding me that Im taking the hard way when I dont have to, even though at heart I want to. Let me make an anology to explain the situation.
Lets say you set off from home to have a dangerous, riveting and exciting adventure. If the fun of the adventure is the challenge, it wouldn't very well be fun if you had a car driving next to you the entire time with a guy leaning out the window saying "hop in mate, I'll just drive you there so you don't need have have any of this adventure nonsense"