You're character might be wearing daedric, are friends with all the gods and be level 112, but mine isn't.
That scene was so badly executed. How could they have done that in broad daylight without Lydia or the guards seeing?
Bribes to the right people and fear of an organization go a surprisingly long way in Skyrim! - You still have a point though..
In-game you don't have to sleep. But in terms of in-game lore, the Dragonborn would have to sleep and could quite easily be overwhelmed by a number of people.
Even the mightiest heroes get exhausted.
The Dovahkiin isn't invincible, so no, he can't take Tamriel single handedly.
'Destroy' and 'take over' aren't the same thing.
Tiber Septim needed an army and a giant construct to do it - good luck trying it with one character, no matter how powerful.
mehrunes razor and some luck is all it would take to kill us, so no
He can totally. No one can stand up to a guy who can summon firestorms with words.
As obscenely powerful as the Dragonborn is, or rather could be, I don't believe that the divine entities would allow him to destroy Tamriel.
game mechanics =/= Lore
in game you don't need sleep - in reality the dragonborn (unless supernatural) does need sleep
in game you could be running around with a 2 foot ice spike impaling your head - in reality such a wound is fatal
I could go on but you get the point.
Tiber Septim needed Numidium to take over Tamriel, the Dragonborn is not as powerful as Numidium in lore.
In reality the enemy wouldn't be able to do an electric slide on uneven terrain to dodge my arrows and spells.
Exactly, arguing that the Dragonborn could destroy Tamriel because he's level 120 and uses enchanted daedric armor is a fruitless argument because it's based off gameplay mechanics, I could make any character invincible with enchanting/smithing/alchemy wearing fur armor and do a little dance while entire armies wail away at me that doesn't make that scenario remotely close to applicable in actual lore
One on one or even outnumbered three to one it's no contest. DoVahKiin could probably even take on a half dozen but a whole army or a hold full of guards? In game yeah but in actuality not realistic.