I must know-why are you so set on being Dovhakiin? Do you want to be the big hero or something? Will not being that really cause you to not buy the game
Yes, I do want to be the big hero. It's mainly why I play RPGs in the first place. In real life, I can't set out on some epic quest to purge a great evil from the world like I'd like to. At least, I could, but it wouldn't get completed in less than a lifetime most likely, if at all.
Yes, it will prevent me from buying the game. Granted, if Skyrim is anything like Morrowind or Oblivion, I'm sure there'll be hours upon hours of things to do in it, but none of it will really compare to being an epic hero for me. Not even building a pillow fort at the top of the highest mountain.
With Oblivion, the very reason I put no effort into acquiring it early on was because it was perfectly obvious that the player wasn't the heir. I don't like quests of such scale that consist of me finding someone to save the world for me, I want... No, I NEED to do it myself. I need to be the guy who stabs Mehrunes Dagon in the face and tells him to "Get off my plane!" (pun most definitely intended). I need to be the one who makes there way to the Heart Chamber and shows old Loincloth Man how an Orc settles things.
I mean really, would you rather be Robin, or Batman? That's the choice I see, and I'm picking Batman every time. Anything less just doesn't cut it.