Switched over to pc laptop from console. Loving graphics and mods but am the only one that saves often due to random ctds? It seems based on message boards that others have other more serious problems? Is that the advantage That condoles havr
Ive read about people with no mods and crashes or loading problems. What are best practices assuming its popular mods with either steam or mod manager? I average a ctd about 1 every1-2 hours?
I use Nexus Mod Manager to track mods, use Wrye Bash to install mods, use BOSS to sort mods, use TES5Edit for cleaning mods, use Wrye Bash for building a Bashed patch.
Use SKSE for the memory option.
First thing about mods, never uninstall a mod mid game, bad things can happen.
For best practice with modding, watch gopher's excellent Youtube video tutorials on modding - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DdhDG41roBVJfNCqvO5MmKP