OOC: Hey, what's good, people? Great to be apart of this.

Name: Cassius Civello
Age (apparent age): 27
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: The Lady
Physical Description: Stands at about 5’9’’, but is straight backed and sports a good posture, so appears taller.
Weighs approximately 170 lbs, give or take. He’s of a thin, wiry build, but reasonably defined muscle; nothing to cower at.
Cassius always wears a conceited smile alongside his soft facial features those typical of a pampered nobleman; button nose, smooth skin, high cheekbones and an eyebrow always appears to be cocked in a way of saying “I’m better than you.”
His long, blonde flowing locks fall elegantly. Cassius is rather self-conscious about his hair, so goes to great efforts to maintain its ‘perfect’ state.
Not much in the way of facial hair, however. Cassius has only ever had the ability to grow a scraggily, messy little goatee. No meaty Nord beards here, folks.
Suffers no scars, as he’s never been at the front of a fierce battle.
Mental Description: Arrogant, self-important cheat. That’s the best description of Cassius’ character. Raised as the eldest son of Lord Iulus Civello II, Cassius was forced to believe he was great, and physically and intellectually superior to all others, especially those of ‘low-birth’ and the lesser beast races, who he was come to hate with a burning passion. It’s not unheard of for him to execute the lazy Orcs working on the Civello plantation.
Consequently, Cassius believes it’s his god given right to be showered with love and wealth, and to be treated as a king. Failure to comply with his wishes results in harsh treatment.
Class: Nobleman
Class Description: As previously mentioned, he’s the eldest son of a rich father, and by rule of primogeniture, he inherits all wealth and the estate. So, he doesn’t really do much except sit on his behind, write awful poetry and, on occasion, journeys on expeditions where he’s surrounded by more guards than you can shake a stick at.
Skills: Not much. Though, he’s somewhat of an orator; he posses excellent speaking skills and could easily rally a crowd. So, there is potential for a leader.
His fighting skills are modest at best. What kind of nobleman doesn’t have at least the fundamentals of swordplay under his belt? Cassius does, and can hold his own against good swordsmen, but he lacks the experience to be undertaking the task set before him, despite what his fantasies suggest.
Weapons: A silver longsword with, of course, his family name engraved into the hilt. Enchanted with some sort of movement impairment effect; whomever is struck with Civello (snappy name) will feel sluggish and fatigued. Aesthetically, the sword is beautiful, with its intricate patterns and glistening shine, and it’s incredibly practical, too – most definitely a weapon of the highest quality.
Cassius wields a steel shortsword as his sidearm, for looks more than anything else, and carries an assortment of throwing knives for ranged attack… as if they’re ever going to be used.
Armor: Steel plate armour with a barbute serving as head protection. Mail faulds are work below the briastplate to protect the hips. His boots are of a pointy, tapered sabaton design.
Cassius’ dons a grey travelling cloak (with a hood of course) to shield him from harsher weather. Worn over his armour.
Misc. Items: Pouch with a plentiful amount of Septims. His bag contains fruit, water and various other necessities such as repair hammers and potions. However, his two guards serve as pack mules, carrying the majority of his equipment.
History: (I suppose I’ve explained some of this over the course of the sheet. Oh well).
Born to a wealthy family on their grand estate by the Cyrodiil-Skyrim border. He was showered with riches and gifts, and lived (and is still living) a life of luxury, burden and stress free. Never has his life been in peril, nor has he had to perform any task against his will.
However, the various forms of media (OOC: Is there even ‘media’ in TES?) throughout Cyrodiil told of a different man – a young, diligent, cunning, fearsome Imperial destined to achieve glory through his own actions. The truth? All the tales were mixed together to create an elaborate fa?ade hiding the reality. Over time, Cassius has become a victim of his own propaganda, and believed the false image portrayed – this arrogance has blinded his judgment, and his head is clearly in the clouds.
Driven by his obsession for greatness, Cassius accepted the King’s invitation, who, despite his wisdom, must have also been fooled by the lies.
Motivation For Aiding the King: See above. Cassius’ is arrogant – he genuinely believes the slaying of dragon is within his capabilities.
OOC: All right, not the greatest sheet ever, but it does the job. And apologies for the rather poor description of Cassius’ armour and weapons, but I was never good at that stuff. And I hope it’s okay that I’ve got two guards, but it doesn’t really make sense for a nobleman to partake in such an adventure on his lonesome. They won’t get in the way or anything.