Yes elves mature around the ages 16-24 or somewhere in there. And humans do not have a faster developing brain, the minds of elves are much more sophisticated and complex.
Also, yes it would take some time for an elf to master the art of the blade if he was also mastering every school of magick along with an armor skill which isnt uncommon. However if an elf where to focus on one skill then they learn at the same rate as a human would learn that one skill.
The Elven mind may be more sophisticated and complex, but it takes longer to get there (Humans do it
fast, Elves do it
right). I think you're focusing on the wrong skill sets. Those that study the blade don't generally study
magic as much as social ettiquite (LOTS of Social Ettiquite), history, and various arts and crafts.
And a mercenary doesn't "Level" as fast as an adventurer, because the former spends most days on the march, setting and breaking camp, waiting for contracts, and possibly getting in a battle once a month on average due to the logistics of handling a large group. On the other hand, an adventurer is just one guy and one to four friends - a group small enough to sleep in taverns, and lacking the morale issues caused by insufficient accomodation - running all over the kingdom every day, fending off sleep deprivation with Potions of Respite, shrugging off injury through Potions of Healing or visits to local temples, and not taking a single sick day. When Davian Hawkstar isn't crashing through priceless historical places, tearing bandit camps to pieces, waking up the dead with his racket(Meaning more undead to kill, or quests to lay ghosts to rest!), and generally raising hell (Meaning more daedra to fight) he's in town asking widows if they need help, hanging out at the Fighter's Guild for official contracts to kick ass (Or collecting maps from retired adventurers for dungeon's they never got around to crawling), visiting his Order's local chapter house for Gallant Quests to undertake, cleaning up after the Mage's guild's experiments gone wrong, and crazy stuff like that. Even on his way to a dungeon or town, he stops by cemetaries and crypts at night for grave-robbing (Or grave-robber killing!), skeleton smashing, Monster Mashing, and
Thriller dancing, or making bandits regret trying to waylay him (Or get caught waylaying a hapless traveller)
The profession costs a fortune in gear, scrolls, potions, and Temple and Mage's Guild services, but the costs are recouped by the end Monty Haul. His life is also in constant danger, leading to Positive Feedback in becoming Badass.
Senes has been doing that for the past couple
centuries. Just sayin'.

And he's even more Badass than Davian Hawkstar because of it. Or at least should be.
Ooh... this looks like a fun post to reply too:
This is TES not DnD

The only context I've heard about the Elf thing was in concerns with half-elves in DnD given they aged either slower or faster depending on who that raised them elf/human.
But I digress, I am sure my character has some design flaws too. For one he's only 26(think human years) yet he has a job/profession that's highly dangerous. And as far as martial/magical powers go I kinda compensate for his magick skills with his birthsigh given he has to manually increase his magicka pool, which makes him almost religiously reserve his use of magick. But when he does use it, it serves a helpful purpose, or can be really devastating(if he unleashed it all at once) but that may possibly kill him as far as I know.
Don't worry. Younger people generally take the more dangerous jobs. It's rare for a person old enough to be established in Society to take up a the various roles of Adventurer. I think Tariq may find he has a greater well of magic than he's lead himself to believe, especially if he's ignorant of all the repercussions of the Atronach birthsign, and believes himself to only have a pool half or a quarter its true size.