OOC: And away we go! To everyone at Laintar Dale, I have been given temporary control over Lord Bjordi, and shall be posting for him now. Everyone has one post to respond and come join the feast before the timeskip sometime later this week. All you must do is make your final comments and sit down for the feast. After that we can finally get to the action of the RP

Lord's Hall, Laintar Dale
Lord Bjordi Bear-Tooth'I have heard enough,' Bjordi thought, a firm frown set on his lips. The carefree smile he had worn mere minutes before was gone; the bickering of grown men never ceased to amaze him.
'Arrogance! Pure arrogance, all of them! Especially the Imperial; something must be done before he gets his whole party killed.' Once the Nord had finished weighing each hunter, anolyzing both their skills and personalities, he could finally be confident in forming them into groups. There was no question that they would have to split up, but the matter of who went where was more difficult to answer. And, perhaps worst of all, whom he could entrust the leadership of these search parties to. Bjordi watched as each hunter progressively made the choice more difficult; it was obvious he could not simply trust them to decide for themselves- he would have to intervene, and soon. The Nord took a deep breath, wiping the agitation from his face before stepping into the center of the arguing hunters.
"I too grow tired of these discussions," he began, smiling at Jarn- he at least seemed an able warrior- "And more than that I grow hungry. I had hoped you could all arrange yourselves into groups, but I see now that I was mistaken. I forgot to account for the pride of some of our number," he glared at the Imperial and Breton in turn as he spoke, his thick jaw set firmly. He expected no discussion in this matter.
"As such, I have taken it upon myself to form you into groups. The king has sent me reports of all of your various skills, and I have seen for myself your attitudes. This is the best compromise I could make. If you are not happy with your group-mates, you can either svck it up, or you can leave my hall now." Bjordi folded his thick arms across his chest, his voice booming through the wooden hall. "You are here not only to hunt dragons, my friends. Remember, you are here to save Skyrim, perhaps all of Tamriel, from complete devastation. If you cannot pull together for that, then the gods have mercy on us all." The noble let the words echo for a moment, staring at each and every hunter with a level eye, before continuing.
"Now then, since I see we are all in agreement, here are the men- and women," he smiled at Elynniel, "That you shall be working with. Davian Hawkstar, you shall be leading Tariq, Jolgier, and Krom Grimblade to the farm plantation south of the mountains. Xerca Valeci, you shall lead Surius Roscius, Hanniel Baal, Revis Cervin, Elynniel Arthedaine, and Jarn Imgarth to the destroyed inn south of Amol. That is not a suggestion, mind you, that is an order, as surely as the king himself spoke it." Surius opened his mouth to speak, but Bjordi silenced the Imperial with a hard stare.
The Nord gave his words a moment to sink in, but not so long as to allow for any questions. "Well, I for one am absolutely starving. If we are done here, I invite you all to join me, for a feast worthy of those who hunt dragons!" Bjordi roared, a friendly smile lighting his face. Servants hurried into the hall, bearing a procession of trays and platters, each more succulent than the last. In no time at all the long table at the end of the hall was covered in steaming pies, fruits and cheeses, golden goblets with pitchers of wine, mead, and every drink a Nord could hope for. And at the center of the table sat a whole roast boar, glistening with glaze. Bjordi's mouth already watered.