OOC: sounds fun.

"No need to be pushy."
Vilvan seemed to be offended and Aluna was pleased. She smiled to herself and followed.
"He's near the town square. Most of the shops are."
Aluna merely replied "I would assume so..."
Then Vilvan said quietly as if to no one "Look's like we're still in for some bad weather." Aluna looked up to the sky, the rain had stopped but the sunshine was regrettably short-lived. Sadly, the clouds were forming once again. Whe she looked back down, she noticed that the clang of their steps and the sound of grinding gravel attracted the glares of nearby villagers. Aluna couldn't do much more than glare back as she had to keep pace behind Vilvan as he walked.
"Here's the market. There are a few stalls outdoors selling various wares, a Dunmer tradition but one that has caught on in Helnim nonetheless. You wanted an alchemist though, right? That'd be Anarion, one of our only Altmer residents. He's not a big fan of the Empire, but with ME alongside he wouldn't dare refuse a C&E order." Aluna and Vilvan stopped in front of the store to the Alchemy shop. Apparently no one shared her hobby in this town of Helnim, as this poor excuse for a building was the most rundown of all the buildings that Aluna had ever seen. The only thing worth notable was the door, looking very ornate and having a rich mahogany color. Though something about it seemed familiar.
Vilvan bowed down behind her as she walked to the door. "No need to thank me."
"All you did was walk me..." She leaned in closer to the door, trying to put a name to the face she saw in her mind. "Wait out here, I can handle myself." Sniffing the wood, there was a certain taste becoming slowly apparent in her mouth. It brought her back to her childhood, and she felt a distant warmth. More specifically, from when she was a little older, it brought her to her naming ceremony. Then she realized that this was Hist wood. Her nostalgia was quickly replaced with a boiling anger. Of course these Dunmer would hack down one of the most sacred of trees to her people of the roots, probably taken after a fruitful slave hunt! Though the proprietor of this shop was Altmer, and this building was obviously very old, most likely it was built before it was an Alchemical shop. She would not be able to point fingers today.
Aluna lifted her leg and turned to the side, kicking the doorknob right off. She picked it up off the ground and dropped it in her bag as the door flung open. The face of an elderly Altmer could be seen as the door swung back and forth. His image was that of a man who had just received a heart attack.
Anarion shouted loudly at Aluna when she stepped inside. "By Talos, Vivec, Azura, what are you doing to my establishment!? Young woman-" he broke off for a moment "...Argonian! How dare you defile and destroy that antique of a door, it's been passed down from each owner, from my grandfather, It's- It's the only worthwhile thing to look at in this forsaken town! I mean I swear if I were half the Mer I was before, I would-"
Aluna slipped out her paper and slammed it on the counter "Would what? What would you do?"
Anarion ignored the certificate and leaned in closer. He stared at Aluna for a moment. "Intimidate me huh..." He mumbled to himself. "Yeah. I'd tell you what'd I do, you stinking Argonian," His wrinkles became more apparent as he furrowed his brow. " poisons, liquid fire, blindness, disease, you name it, I have it bottled up just for you." He grinned a toothless grin. Aluna just looked him in the eye grimly.
"Please, we've only just met."
Anarion continued, twirling a long strand of silver hair from his beard. "So you have a sense of humor? You know, you dirty Argonian, that reminds me of someone, what was his name... Oh yes, Cowers-In-Fear was it. He liked to tell jokes when I wasn't beating him. Spent his days stacking things for me, he'd still be here if it wasn't for that new law those Imperial bastards passed. Of course, he'd also still be here if I hadn't slipped him one of my fine wares the day before he was freed." He coughed horsely.
Immediately all dispositions towards the Altmer, and especially Anarion, were wiped. Aluna hated the Altmer's egotistical natures almost just as badly as the Dunmer's terrible sense of humor. But she always believed that they were still better. Though, now that she thought about it, the Altmer would've probably hunted for slaves in the Black Marsh just as much as the Dunmer did if it wasn't for an entire continent sitting between them.
"Let me ask you... House Dres?"
"How did you guess?" He said with apparent sarcasm. "Yes, my grandfather was a Dunmer, my grandmother and mother were both Altmeri. But a Dunmer in blood," he laughed with some trouble. " and in spirit."
"I have a knack for these things." Aluna stood straight. "But anyways, if I didn't already know better, I'd tell you not to expect to see tomorrow you sick half breed. Don't think that you can scare me with your poisons, and fire waters. I don't think you're in a good enough shape to even try to hold your own against me, let alone use your poisons."
"Don't underestimate me lizard, I'm aged, but I have experienced things you never will, and I'm no fool. I wouldn't try anything on a Legion lackey like you with a Legion soldier right outside my door. Now before you make me change my mind, which you are just one word short of doing, you damned Argonian, what must I do to make you get the hell out of my shop?"
Aluna tapped the counter. Anarion looked down at the paper. "So now they expect me to give away things for free huh? If I still had my slave, I'd have him bring it to you. A calcinator... fine." Aluna clawed at the counter as he bent downwards grumbling. He produced from seemingly nowhere a large and very obviously broken calcinator. The fire gate was hanging off it's hinges and the coal tray was missing, plus, a large hole was punched through the top. It was also huge and heavy looking. A new looking calcinator was sitting on a counter just behind him. "This is the last one I have Argonian."
"Really now?"
"Take it or leave it. I suggest you take it..." Anarion glared. "It's the last one." He emphasized "Last" strongly.
"Do you happen to have a worthless hunk of metal in travel size?" Aluna didn't wait for an answer. She dragged the pitiful heap off of the counter and walked backwards to the door.
Anarion called to her as she walked out.
"Don't come back here when all your friends are dead and rotting in the black marsh. I know why you're here. And give me back my doorknob!"
Aluna slammed the door behind herself.