Damn it, did you have to remind me about yet another game I have to buy? I already went above my limit. How am I going to resist the temptation of leading Rihad to a streak of glorious victories?
Why not? the Empire was founded by a Dragonborn (Tiber Septim) - why another Dragonborn (our Dragonborn) could not renew/ resurrect it?
Because the good old days are long over now. No one in Skyrim seemed to give a **** that a Dragonborn Emperor was walking around. The new Empire will definitely be opposed to the idea.
That and there's severe canon issues with our player character becoming a public image.
http://ghoststorm.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Elder-Scrolls-5-Skyrim-Trailer-Screenshot-Dragonborn.jpg would be the Emperor, not any of ours.
The link doesn't work. If you're saying that the Promokiin who stains the background of this forum section will become emperor, you're probably wrong. Bethesda has never created a "canon" protagonist - their race, six, background and choices are unknown. The only thing certain is that they completed the main quest of the core game and its DLC, but nothing more (Neloth's mention of the Nerevarine's gender is a troubling exception that hopefully won't be repeated).
It would be an incredibly stupid move by Bethesda if they decided to reveal a canon Dovahkiin in the next game. It would only unnecessarily anger a part of their fanbase.
Did you ever heard of a certain barbarian called Conan? He also liked of past his time harassing bandits and picking snowberries women, but in the end, he became King of Aquilonia...
You forget one thing my friend: according to the trailers released by Bethesda before Skyrim's launch, the canon Dragonborn is Nord...
I know I already said that before, but here we go: aham... WHAT?!
...refer to the following quote, please.
Even then, I don't count Neloth's mention of the Nerevarine as canon. He's a loopy wizard anyways.
But yeah, in agreement with everyone else. It'd be really dumb to have another Dragonborn emperor, especially our Dragonborn.
How many threads similar to these have been shot down in the past anyways?
Dragonborn is going to disappear like every other hero so far.
He must retain some anonymity for the sake of lore, and ruling and empire hardly helps with that.
Why? There are much game producers that have their own canon characters. What is wrong with Bethesda creating their first one? Furthermore, you (and all others who are saying: "The Dragonborn Emperor?! NOOOOOO!!!") is/are failing to see the larger picture: the coronation of the Dragonborn as High King of Skyrim and his subsequent struggle to keep Skyrim free and defeat the Aldmeri Dominion could very well be the beginning of a larger story - a story that would told gradually, in the other games in the series. And with all our characters in each TES game after Skyrim taking part in it.
Well, there's no convincing you.
They'll write him off somehow, you'll see.