I don't kinow about you guys, but I think Bethesda is underestimating the potential of the Dovahkiin. Imagine the following:
For months/years, Ulfric Stormcloak watched while the Dragonborn grew in both power, skill and popularity - the people loves him. The Stormcloak soldiers respect and admire him. Even the Jarls of all Nine Holds see him as a champion and an ally with whom they can always count. And now, Ulfric is jealous. If he so desires, the Dragon born could easily be appointed the new High King of Skyrim. And that Ulfric will not allow.
After trying to kill the Dragonborn several times in the last days, he was discovered. After confront Ulfric with the evidence of his crimes, the Dragonborn challenged Ulfric to a duel until death. The duel was quick. And the Dragonborn win. Humiliated and fearing for his live, Ulfric tried at the last moment to make a deal with the Dragonborn: he would abdicate the throne and become his most loyal follower.
The Dragonborn accept the deal and, with the unanimous approval of other Jarls, become the new High King of Skyrim.
But the Dragonborn knows that Skyrim will never be free while the Thalmor and the Aldmeri Dominion exist. Now, he must seek allies for the war is sure to come. And what better places to start this search than Hammerfell and High Rock?
And who knows? maybe one day, after all the provincies are in peace once more, and the Thalmor is nothing but a bitter memory, he can become the new Emperor of Tamriel, as did Tiber Septim so many years ago...
Any thoughts?