High Rock remained one of the most uncivilized provinces in terms of local power, being spread out among forty-two warring fiefdoms. The land doesn’t have an official leader and is always in a state of war, but with the mysterious ‘Warp of the West‘, all that went away.
The most notable changes were that Daggerfall spread their influence over a vast majority of land, taking the entire Eastern coast of High Rock. Orsinium managed to be seen as a political power, having a King and they control the Wrothgarian Mountains, along with a narrow pass of coastal land to the North.
Wayrest nearly tripled their size, but they are still no where near the power of Daggerfall. Their most notable achievement is now holding Evermore to the East, but other than that, their rise was merely just getting rid of the smaller fiefdoms, though how this came about remains a mystery.
On the Northeastern tip of High Rock, there remains three small fiefdoms ran by local warlords bickering about. Again, how these fiefdoms managed to gain this much power is unknown to the world. This fiefdoms includes Farrun on the Western side of the tip, Jehanna on the Eastern side of the tip and Amanar directly South of Jehanna. Amanar is different then the rest of the fiefdoms though, as they do not have a city under their control, but to their defense, they have a very bustling castle which the fiefdom takes it’s name after.
Our story however, revolves around two very popular Orders in High Rock. The Knights of the Rose and the Knights of the Dragon. Both Orders are renowned for their skill in combat and both orders are tasked with protecting their royal families.
The Knights of the Rose protect the royal family of Wayrest and are the most skilled warriors in the Kingdom. The Knights of the Dragon protect the royal family of Daggerfall and likewise, they are the most skilled soldiers in their Kingdom.
After the ‘Warp of the West’ in High Rock, there was peace for a couple of decades, however, in a world shattered into chaos, peace never lasts. Since the 4E70s, the Kingdoms of Daggerfall and Wayrest have clashed considerably. Along with this, you have the Orcs of Orsinium who often raid local villages beyond both borders.
Sentinel has even taken interest in claiming High Rock for themselves, taking the island of Betony off the coast of Daggerfall in 4E32. It has sine remained in their control, often using their naval expertise to raid Daggerfall’s land.
The borders where Daggerfall, Wayrest and Orsinium meet has come to be known as Dagon’s Pass as anything within a certain distance of these borders is destroyed. This is the most contested region in all of High Rock and more men have died here then any other place. This region was once known as Alcaire and had a souring city but decades of war has since destroyed the area and the city has been abandoned.
Who are you?
Knights of the Rose - The Knights of the Rose are now the most skilled war unit belonging to the Kingdom of Wayrest.
Knights of the Dragon - Formerly the most skilled Royal Guard unit in the Kingdom of Daggerfall, the Knights of the Dragon have been transformed into an elite war unit.
Where are you?
Knights of the Rose - Currently stationed at Wayrest, the bulk of the Knights of the Rose plan on moving through Dagon’s Pass and besiege Camlorn.
Knights of the Dragon - Situated within Camlorn, the Knights of the Dragon have received word of the Knights of the Rose advance and are planning to march out to meet them.
What are your goals?
Knights of the Rose - Your current goal is to weaken to Kingdom of Daggerfall by taking Camlorn from them. Here the Kingdom of Wayrest will be able to cut off their capital from the rest of the Kingdom. Your overall goal is to unite High Rock.
Knights of the Dragon - Currently, you are tasked with halting the current encroachment of the Wayrest Order towards Camlorn. Overall, your goal is to unite High Rock under the rule of Daggerfall.
http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/user/636248-mony/ - Knights of the Rose
http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/user/559162-yttrium/ - Knights of the Dragon
About the RP!
This RP, as you can tell, is centered around not two converging Kingdoms as they fight each other, rather, two elite Orders who have sworn an oath to protect their rightfully Kingdoms. It will be an army controlling RP, but not in the sense that you’ll be controlling thousands of troops. Here, you control a relative small number of troops, maximum of 1,000. The reason for this is, because it’s not solely revolved around army controlling, the RP will have small plot twists that only affect certain people. And I would like character interaction more so then not, so smaller ranks are not only welcomed, but encouraged!
Mercenaries are available for role play as well, however, before posting that up, remember to contact the GM of the Order you will be aligned to so they know. And without further ado, I present to thee, thy Orders!
Knights of the Dragon - https://docs.google....thkey=CMWjmbUN#
Knights of the Rose - https://docs.google....thkey=CN_rl4QJ#
Please use this CS format when sending to the appropriate GM. Thank you!

Physical Description:
Misc(if anything):
~ First and foremost, read http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/810277-gds-abraisive-guide-to-battle-rps/ if you haven't already!
~ All basic RP rules apply(good grammar, capitalization, punctuation, that sort, as well as no character control, army control, ubering and all knowing).
~ Wayrest must win.