What you said...
or Bethesda isn't that great on engines and technology and stuff. Oblivion was horribly optimized... and Bethesda can't even make ladders (lol) :rolleyes:
That's the most likely possibilites I'd say.
My problem though is that Bethesda says that they "draw everything", which they obviously far, far, far from do.
It's like if a developer says that his/her game got the best lighting ever, yet it doesn't even have dynamic shadows.
Ladders is a control issue, you have to take constrain the player so he can only move up and down the ladder, not turn around halfway up, Some moders manage things like this in advlt mods

. This is the simple part.
The hard part is to match character height against step height to get the animation right. Simplest way is probably to make animations for the .9, .95, 1.0, 1.05 and 1.1 scales, perhaps add a .85 and a child animation. Easier in Oblivion as you knew height out of race and gender.
Draw length, if you cannot see undrawn elements while playing, they draw everything in a practical sense. Photo anolyze of screenshots don’t count.