A master alchemist lady has popped up in Cyrodiil. She travels everywhere in the empire, looking for special ingredients. Like Sinderion in Skingrad she has a unique skill: she can brew a very special potion. A potion that invokes conscious dreams and that fixes your memories of those dreams. She is willing to sell it, one at a time, for a mere 5000 septims. You as the Player buy one and go home to have a sleep on it.
You put on your nightgown, quaff the potion and lie down... to wake up in your dream. The environment may look like an ordinary dungeon or like an absurd bizarre house or castle or anything that can be stuffed into an interior cell. There may be friendly people, traps, riddles and/or enemies. You are naked, so you start looking for something to equip yourself with. Who knows what lurks around that corner over there...
In a dream nearly anything is possible. However, two things are out of the question: 1. taking dream objects with you back to the waking state, and 2. dying. So why would you do this anyway? What is there to gain?
1. You may not be able to take objects from the dreamworld, but you gain something immaterial: your memories of what you experienced and what you did. For instance, I remember certain real life dreams in which I read very interesting books containing stories, poems, or educational stuff. I even remember what I thus read. (Which is not to say I can make much sense of it. :blink: )
So this would be the objective of your dream journey: find three skill books. Read them, and have each advance one of your skills with 1 point. After you have found all (one or two or) three skill books, go find the exit to wake up.
2. While dreaming you can get involved in fights or be crushed in a trap, but you cannot die. If you die, you wake up. That's all.
No, wait. What about the skill books? Simple: if you managed to read them before you 'died', all is well; if not, that's bad luck - another potion is wasted, and if you want to try again you'll first have to save a fortune and then have to track down the traveling alchemist lady. Not easy, she's a restless type, she can be anywhere. Maybe some other vendor laid his hands on one of her potions? Shady Sam? Thoronir? Who knows, but you can bet on it they'll want a few 1000s of septims more to make a decent profit.
That's it.
On the technical side: one quest should suffice to handle the concept. When you start the dream, it removes your inventory to an invisible container. It determines which of your skills are not yet maxed, and then chooses 3 of these. It chooses 1 (or 2 or 3) of a collection of dream environments (= dungeon levels), and enables the books or book containers therein for the 3 chosen skills. Maybe it chooses a type of enemies at random, too. When you die or exit, your dream inventory is dumped, your 'real' equipment is returned and you wake up.
I'd like to keep it this simple, really. No fancy dialogs or epic stories, no custom items/textures. This is in fact a more or less twisted form of dungeon diving of course, which suits me because I like building as much as I dislike questing and scripting.

(I could even try to revive an old idea which was brought up in an early TAS thread: anyone who wants to build a beautiful or scary or bizarre or psychotic or romantic of whatever dungeon level can contribute it. The more the merrier. Imagine the mod having a hundred levels or more to choose from

Would 5000 gold be a good/balanced/worthwile price?
How many skills should a dream advance? 1, 2, 3?
Could you think up alternatives for skill advancement? What if a player has maxed all his/her skills?
Do you know of anyone else having tossed up this or a similar idea? Link?
Any problems I may run into, quest- or scriptwise?
Any other thoughts?
Thanks for reading this. It's late. Time to get some sleep.