Just think about it this way:
-Option 1: Pay ~$40-$60 for Crysis, but the DRM limits you to installing it only a couple times, forces you to use one of your precious installs if you change hardware (like video cards), locks up if you have more than one DVD drive, prevents you from using LEGAL disc burning software, installs monitoring software to your Windows root files, and more.
-Option 2: Pay absolutely nothing for Crysis, get unlimited installs, no nagging errors or disc checks, no CD keys or online server authentication requirements, no issues or complications with burning software or multiple disc drives, etc.
It is just sad that us paying customers have to put up with all of this crap, while the pirates waltz by with no hitches. EA: It's time to step up to the plate, be honest with us PC gamers, and REMOVE THE F&*$ING DRM.
I guarantee that if EA removes the DRM, advertises the game as DRM free, and still caters it to hardcoe PC gamers, sales will increase astronomically. When it comes to DRM, gamers just aren't willing to pay. They'd rather take the easy way out and pirate.
Also, go here: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/05/wolfire-programmer-poor-pc-ports-not-piracy-hurt-business.ars
This guy has some great arguments against DRM.
DRM is stupid! DON'T BUY IT!