» Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:02 am
The door slams open, revealing a horrible storm outside. Lightning claps and thunder roars behind a silhouetted figure. The figure stired in, revealing the face of a young Breton, with golden blond hair kept in an Oiled style, and blue eyes. The Breton was wearing Mythic Dawn robes, a Spelldrinker amulet, a Ring of Skimming, and a Sorceror's ring, but no hood. He walked calmly to the bar.
"Hello." he said, "I'd like a bottle of Cyrodilic Brandy, please."
After being served his bottle, the Breton went to sit down with the Imperial guard, as most of the other tables were full.
"Greetings, Imperial." he said cheerfully. "Like my robes? One of my favourites, these are. I particularly enjoy the gloves, very firm and tight. Good for spellcasting... yes, I'm a mage, you know."
The Breton paused, thinking about something.
"Yes... anyway. They call me Arnandre Erelue. What's your name?"