OOC: Going to be innactive for a few days, going to take Kenjatsu out of the Inn. See you soon

Kenjatsu looked at Drackar and shook his head. "Not that i know of." Kenjatsu said, then paused for a minute. "You just killed a child?" Kenjatsu said in a surprised tone.
Suddenly the Inn door opens once again and a Female Breton walks in. She had blue eyes and red hair and wore armor that was ashy gray and had spikes on the shoulders and arms..
Kenjatsu looked over at the Breton Female, who walked up to him. By the look of things, she must have had trouble walking due to the armor. "Kenjatsu, we've got trouble.." The Female began but stopped when she noticed Kenjatsu was different. "Kenjatsu! Your not.." The Breton began but was silenced before she could say anything more. "Dont give me away!" Kenjatsu said in a hushed tone. The Girl nodded and Kenjatsu let her continue. "Kenjatsu, we've got trouble. There have been reports that Deadra are planning to attack Layawiin. I've gathered up most of my friends who would gladly defend the town until the Hero of Kvatch can come to close the gate." Kenjatsu thought for a moment as the girl explained the situation and finally nodded in agreement. He looked over at Firenze, Drackar and Arnand and said "I have to leave the inn for some time. Trouble." Kenjatsu then went over to the Inn Keeper and gave him 50 gold and soon Kenjatsu and the were out of the door..