I know people are refering to this in several aspects of the game, for now I will only speak about attributes and skill.
Morrowind and Oblivion had you decide attributes and minor/major skills.
People see these choices are gone and then they decide the game has been Dumbed down for a bigger audience.
Yes, of course they are looking for a wider audience, but at least me, do not believe it is the reason that skills and attributes were removed.
It mainly has to do with leveling changes, wich has IMPROVED, instead of dumbed down.
The point of chosing minor and mayor skills was to chose those skills that will make you level, and those that will not, but both will let you increase your attributes higher.
The attributes choices, forced you to level certain skills before leveling up in order to maximize the attribute gain (for those who never played, if you wanted to increase Strenght, but never leveled strenght-skills like swords and blocking, you could only increase it by 1 point, however if you leveled those skills in a total of 10 levels between all, you could increase your strenght by 5). That meant that either your character was going to level very weak, or that you had to grind skill gains.
It seems very complex, but it was BAD. It was a bad design that everyone was looking to mod, and if you search for leveling mods, you will see plenty of them.
In Skyrim, Bethesda's focus was not to DUMB IT DOWN, it was to improve the system, and they did.
The difference, that some fail to see, is that Skyrim still has major and minor skills, but they are not chosen in the character creation, they are chosen as you play, your major skills are the skills that you chose to use in your playthrough. These major skills will make you level faster and you don't need to avoid skill grinding. (the only issue is powerleveling one non-combat skill like smithing, but none should be powerleveling just one skill anyways)
Also, the attributes are no longer needed as they are somewhat incorporated in the skill leveling. If attributes would have been still in the game, everyone would level the attributes that are needed for the skills they use. If I was a mage, I would be leveling willpower and intelligence, a warrior would be leveling strenght. People like to believe that they had many choices, but no, it's not like that, yes you had the freedom to be a warrior leveling your intelligence to 100, but what sense would that make?
I agree that chosing between health, magicka and stamina is not perfect, I would have tweaked that somehow, i'm not sure, but let's face it, ATTRIBUTES are overrated.
Another thing that people likes to forget, is that we chose 1 perk per level.
Now that's a real decision we are making, as it really changes the gameplay unlike attributes and major skills. It is the perks that let you customize your character, and there are a lot of them.
So if you ask me, the game has not been dumbed down. It has changed, and it was a great change.
There is no point in making morrowind again with better graphics, the game is supposed to evolve and have changes.
It is not perfect, and it will never be, as there are no perfect games.