[RELz] The Dungeons of Ivellon

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:06 pm

Arudius: You are in the WRONG location. That Black Axe with the Ghost has nothing to do with Ivellon, and MUCH to do with Myths and Legends.

The Cloud Tower is high in the Mountains SE of Cheydinhal, roughly around the L in Valus on the World Map.

I had just uploaded 14 screenshots for this ordeal to my ftp server to post here...and you just totally shed light on this for me. I have never had Myths and Legends before now. Hopefully it's understandable how easy it was for me to get a little confused when I found that fort on my way straight north from the ruins.

Thank you so much for clearing this up...It feels good to know that I haven't even started the actual dungeon yet.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:18 am

Just wanted to say that I've since gotten to the tower (just had to keep going north, go figure!). I just wanted to say that even though I've only completed The Barracks, I'm quite fond of this mod. It reminds me heavily of older dungeon crawls, and of course I can see a huge amount of influence over Diablo and Diablo 2. That, however, is a GOOD thing. I wish there were more dungeons like this, where so much attention has been put into the flow of the play for the player.

If anybody else has Myths and Legends, and you encounter a tower on your way north from the aelyid (sp?) ruins, don't be fooled like I was. Just keep going. "The Black Legion Castle" has nothing to do with this mod.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:16 am

Closed for post limit.
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