I'm having a little problem... either a compatibility bug thing maybe with a magic mod I'm using, or I'm even more dense than I thought. Spoilers ahead.
Spoiler In the crypt, I have found two crystals, and am looking for the third one. I had found the fissured wall earlier, tried hitting it, launching large fireballs and telekinesis spells on it, to no avail, so I guessed I would figure it out later. Then found the old man's remains and his book, looked everywhere else in the dungeon, thought I definitely had to get through that wall to get further, tried again with fire spells as suggested in the book... nothing.
So I came looking for clues here, peeked into the walkthrough, browsed a few pages in this thread and others... I was definitely doing pretty much the right thing, it just didn't work anyhow?
After that, I tried adding the flare spell with the console, to eliminate the factor of possible custom spells: launched it on the fissure, nothing. Pondered a bit, had a smoke, asked my cat, well, I tried to deactivate collision with the console (tcl) to get through, see if I could understand and/or confirm what I would find behind.
Hmm, there's pretty much nothing behind.
Spoiler a tiny room with an unlootable corpse, a non-activable altar, a few rocks on the ground, that's about it. No crystal at all.
Any clues anyone? Am I doing it wrong, or is something unexpected happening in my install? If so, any suggestions are welcome...