In my opinion the Dunmer, primarily the ashlanders, are based on the native americans; not only is their history extremely similar but their culture is too. I believe the legions conquest of morrowind is similar to the natives americans colonisation (just the fact that they got conquered by a superior force, not the actual war itself). Also the great houses (which were clans before) are similar to the different native american clans. Another similarity is the fact that the dunmer worship their ancestors just like the native americans. The ashlander camps themselves resemble native american camps, be it ever so slighty. I do noot see the dunmer as being oriental, the high elves and orcs bear more similarites in that aspect.
I can see lots of similarities with mongols also. Just by the names such as Khan, yurt etc.
Of course! How could we have missed it Urge, it's all in the hat. You and me sure are unobservant.
I don't get it guys..
Why does a race in Elder Scrolls have to be based on something from the real world? Is it not possible that just perhaps they are a made up race with their own identity? Does everything have to be based on something from the real world and not just something from our imagination?
Dunmer are not oriential nor do they share enough qualities/traits with them to be considered "like" oriential people.. Just as Orcs are not Samurai because of the small amount of similarities they share with them, the samurai-like armor and weapons..
They are all have their own, individual image and are not representations of or based on anything from the real world.
Huh... yes they are based of something from the real world. Doesn't mean they are simple copycats. And doesn't mean they have only ONE influence or they are based of every aspect from a culture.
I can't think of something created from scratch with no base, influence whatsoever.
I can see influences from mongols, assyrian, mid-oriental, egyptians, greeks and a lot more in Dunmer race.
It doesn't mean that Dunmer are one of these cultures. And it certainly doesn't mean that they don't have their own identity. But come on, it's no big deal to admit they are influenced or based from something.