The dunmer voices

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:37 am

First of all ,I have to say that Skyrim is simply an amazing experience.However I have one major peeve with the game.It's highly personal and people might not think anything of it but I felt that,as a long time TES fan I had to express it.

The Dunmer voices.

I have been a fan of the Dunmer since Daggerfall.I find them personally to be the most interesting race of all,with their alien,sometimes controversial culture and its many manifestations,from the honorable Redoran noble houses,to the slaving house Dres,to the wild ashlanders and their customs.
Again this might be subjective but the lynchpin of Dunmerness is their raspy voices (at least for the Vvardenfel locals).

Both the Oblivion and Skyrim demos featured a Dunmer with a raspy voice,while in the final versions,the Oblivion Dunmer spoke like the british royal family and the Skyrim Dunmer spoke like the sniper from TF2.

I really wonder.Why the deception?It's not a gamebreaking flaw but it does kill immersion for me to the point where I specifically avoid talking to any dunmer if I can help it.

Here's an of Dunmer voices for anyone who missed the earlier games.Click on the 2:00 mark to hear the Indoril guard (the guy saying "We're watching you...sssscum").
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:28 am

Yeah I want the cool Morrowind voice back.
I will never understand why game developers always make the obvious wrong decisions.

I.e. Destruction not scaling with your level.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:17 am

Yup, for me Dunmer are also supposed to sound all rough and... dark? :) Skyrim does a better job with them than Oblivion, though.

The only voice that actually bothers me a little is that of male Argonians, though. Too native English, clear and non-lizardy. :)
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:07 am

Yup, for me Dunmer are also supposed to sound all rough and... dark? :) Skyrim does a better job with them than Oblivion, though.

The only voice that actually bothers me a little is that of male Argonians, though. Too native English, clear and non-lizardy. :)

I was thinking the same thing about argonians.
However I think they did great job on the khajit accents.
I love that khajit outside of whiterun that is always sitting down.
Epic hippie kitty :D (With an equally epic stache)
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:11 pm

Yeah I'm not a fan of most of the voicing in the game, tbh. Better than oblivion, mind you, but I don't see why they can't just hire different voice actors.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:43 pm

I was thinking the same thing about argonians.
However I think they did great job on the khajit accents.
I love that khajit outside of whiterun that is always sitting down.
Epic hippie kitty :D (With an equally epic stache)

Yeah, Khajiit deserve an extra hats-off, especially male! I love that hippish grey one over there as well! He also takes a kitten look if you want to buy something from him. :D "What've you got for sale?" "Take a look. *irresistible facial expression no emoticon here does justice*"

Otherwise the voice acting is all-round very great! Empathizing, fitting and interesting, and there's pretty much of it. Especially love the quest-starting NPC-to-NPC discussions. The one at Riverwood Trader between the shopkeeper and his sister was the first of these I heard, and I still think the best. :)

Hircine: I've heard on other threads that there's been like 75 voice actors compared to Oblivion's 7, so...
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