» Thu May 03, 2012 5:40 am
And here again is another story of the Elder Scrolls by me.
Kagrenac very cautiously moved each finger in turn. The many moving parts of his creation the Wraithguard whirred and altered as needed, reacting to his musculature. He, slowly then quickly, opened and closed his fist.
Mztand, his assistant, Moved the two boxes up to her mentor. He silently nodded and threw the braids of his beard over his shoulder, where they were secured by twine. He could feel the thrum of the Heart's beating. Copper and ebony cables connected the Heart to the inside of the great machine they had created.
"Power at 40%, sir." Bcharn said, shutting down his magicomputer. "All is ready for you."
Kagrenac reverently opened the first, smaller box, and placed the knife upon the brass table. Keening glinted white, despite the only lights in the room being the yellow glow-wires and the red of the lava far below in the core of the Mountain, where creatia whirled in liquid form. He opened the other box and took out the hammer. With this, the Dwemer genius approached the Heart.
"The Chimer have reached the gates of the fortress, the but the battle goes well." Their Diviner, Krunak, said, his eyes moving left to right. "Dumac may not know the genius of this plan, but he is a skilled tactician."
Mztand laid the control mechanism next to Keening, as instructed. Kagrenac struck the Heart with mighty Sunder. All present felt the great beat of the heart now, as though it was their own. Kagrenac took up Keening and opened his mind, the Dwemer telepathy linking him to every one of his kind before he struck.
Then all Dwemer, all Dwemer save the one he called the Explorer Yagrum, became at last as one in the sorcerous Brass skin of his creation, a Tower that he himself had made, his single greatest achievement...
Their thoughts began to bleed together, and the last individuated thought Kagrenac had was "Oh balls, I left the control mechanism outside!"
The End.
And that's how the Dwemer disappeared.