Alright so if we use the same setting as the activation of Liberty Prime , we could go either on slow the bastar down using a large suply of energy grenade wich could stun him and placing trap to try to dommage it all in a effort to keep the purifier, wich would be in vain but turn out thing turn out your way when you get in the defanded PProject and hide in a corner until the lone wonderer arrive to active it, you kill Sarah Lyons and the lone wonderer fallower at the time and you have the chose from either put the virus inside the machine while the wonderer is activating it( since he is in the machine and i prety much guess that becose it a containing room he wouldn have hear ya kill his friend) or just stay back and watch.
In anycase in broken steel you get rescu by alexander again who manage to drag your corpse to the sewer since liberty Prime was guading the exit(more shall come later)
Or instead of landing outside the perimiter of the purifier you could actuly be one of the commander officer who will try to hold the buidling with the incoming assault of the brotherhood of steel, the enclave at PP will only fallow your order once they seen the destruction of the robot, and even one of the soldier who will come to you and ask you what is it, since the player have infiltrate the brotherhood he could have the option if he actuly asked arrownd about the robot or if he cheked the terminal and could anser one of the fallowing : it Liberty Prime a experimentale weapon of the Pentagone with unbreacable armor and a virtualy limitless reserve of atomic bomb. OR it the brotherHood and if you dont all listen to me we are all dead. Either of the outcome you get to command the remaining Enclave and order them to fallback to the inside the monument. In there you have to fight round after round of atker who got ridiculus amought of hp at the end, Finaly you order a general retreath thruth the sewer systems and in the hope that the PP is activated (or by you own doing you sabotage the project forcing them to activating it now or never) you get the option to put the virus into the containing chamber, or run right away for you live. In either scenario you get congradulate by the winner of raven rock revolution wich will be decide by the outcome at the PP , if you use the virus or not.
Spoiler Liberty Prime will ambush you at the Purifier. The Brotherhood activated it when the Enclave invaded the Memorial, and the bot appears just as you are entering the facility. After the quest, the Brotherhood is driven away from the Purifier but Liberty Prime is at large and starts seriously hitting Enclave troops. This is to balance the situation as the Enclave is much, much stronger than the Brotherhood.
We could have defending the Purifier later. You would be assaulted by the Brotherhood while the Enclave's central command is arguing about how to proceed.
I have a plan for what happens after quest 5, and it will involve a civil war within the Enclave just like in vanilla. Anti-FEV faction which wants to slow down and avoid total genocide, and pro-FEV faction who wants to speed up the progress by using ancient nukes left from the War.
While reading a thread in Spoilers about the Enclave I remembered this mod so remembered to download. Naturally I started (yet another) new character to play it with.
Yes it's unfortunate that we will need new characters for this and most importantly having the mod activated disables much of vanilla. But it was necessary in order to make this mod work.
I haven't read through all 9 pages so sorry if I repeat something already mentioned :unsure:
Hardly an issue.
I failed the very first quest, several times. The 2 minute time limit, I'd guess that's real time. I couldn't use FWE's sprint to move any faster, as a lot of parts of FWE aren't working (like, not getting the initialisation of the mod nor the control panel added), so it took me quite a few tries before I actually completed the quest properly. When I failed it was like I was kicked out, as I found myself outside, staring at some guy who promptly ran away from me :laugh:
Does it matter if he dies? I hope not. Is he meant to high-tail it over past Abandoned Car Fort? He was just running very fast in that direction as if there was a place he to be right now.
FWE activates after the quest Escape! is completed. We will add a script that does so in BETA, and at the same time disable the following vanilla main quest.
The lad (named Alexander) should talk to you. If you listen to the radio message (it's mute because we didn't get good audios for that) Alex should forcegreet you. After that, it doesn't matter what happens.
Unfortunately I have never been able to reproduce bugs related to Alexander so I'm pretty helpless in fixing him running away and dying.
One thing I noticed, right at the start when talking to Dad, I chose the option, "I can go back to bed?" and he called me 'Son,' but I was a girl. Not an issue, really. I get some gender confusion in the other main quest occasionally as well.
Gender dialogues will be fixed in BETA and to ease future voicing process I've neutralized many gender nouns (replacing "Son" or "daughter" with simple "child" or "kid").
I haven't done a whole lot. I'm currently in the Mall looking for Fred :blink:
I will try really hard not to look at the walk through again. I'd like to try and figure it out myself. I'd read a bit about the very start, just in case

Well I can say that Fred is in Ninth Circle. That sidequest is rather clumsy, but it works. Or should work.
But, so far so good. It's quite fun to play on the other side of the fence for a change. I wish we'd always had the option of picking a side, being born in a Vault or Raven Rock. I know which one I would've chosen 9 times out of ten :hehe:
The very purpose of this mod