Right, now that I've managed to play through the Alpha Version, some points that I found that could be helpful

1) Dead Man Walking - The Ghoul Militia, and Fred, don't appear if you have 9th Circle Expanded
2) The Lone Wanderer doesn't really say much to you when you try to interact with him in the Vault, perhaps he could say something like "Lets just get this over with"
3) The Main Quest is ok...but it doesn't really give you a chance to explore. I mean, Paradise Falls is practically in a straight line from Raven Rock
4) Slaver - I killed my way in (before reading the walkthrough), but still managed to get information from Adam and the guy whose name I can't spell.
5) The Lone Wanderer tends to "wander" off in Vault 87. At one point he'd be there shooting Mutants with me, then he'd run off back towards the Little Lamplight Caverns. It was getting quite annoying.
6) Alexander when you first see him tells you that you're NOT to abandon your post...the sprints off into the Wasteland
Apart from those things, it is an AMAZING mod, I love it, you love it, we all love it