» Sat May 28, 2011 12:28 am
Also, I planned three karma-depending options for TEHL's post-purifier quests.
As we all want, the player would be promoted to a Colonel at the end of the Main Quest series. The next quests would deal with removing resistance pockets, mainly BoS, Ghouls, Raiders, Mutants etc., but depending on karma the quests would have different bases:
Good Karma: The Enclave distributes water in exchange for loyalty. Outcasts are accepted to assist the Enclave, and you gave chance for BoS soldiers to defect to Enclave if they want to keep their heads. Enclave rule is a lot more civilized than Eden's kill-kill-kill route. Karma rewards should be altered in way that inserting FEV would disable the good karma route.
Neutral Karma: The Enclave distributes water, but only in speficic amounts. They gotta beg for it. Rivet City, Outcasts, Megaton etc. are forced to submit completely in exchange for vital water, but spared for further use.
Evil Karma: The Enclave distributes water in the way they do in Neutral path, but in Evil path the Enclave simply exterminates those who are coming to get it. No peace with anyone since it becomes clear very soon.
In all scenarios, naturally, Ghouls would be a prime target of removal. However, you could allow Underworld's Ghouls to relocate within 24 hours, if you have good karma.
Some Enclave settlements would also appear in the scene, as I planned to use a "Three Years Later" bink to push the game to post-TEHL period where you still lead the Enclave which has successfully destroyed Supermutants and most of BoS resistance (although to maintain replayability, there would still be a lot of enemies like Raiders and BoS units). I think it would be sweet to actually see the Enclave civilians come out of their caves first time in 200 years.
Anyway, there would be much to do with clearing out BoS resistance, led by Lyons (I'm planning that Sarah would die with LW, if you fought them in Purifier, but if you spared her she would not appear ala Autumn in BS).
BoS could have managed to ally themselves with most of the Wasteland's factions in order to kill the Enclave.