The very fact they they have these hight tech weapons defeats the purpose of the brotherhood trying to protect technology form the locals. If Brotherhood does not even know a weapon like pulse gun exists and such a weapon already got itself in the hands of the van grafs, then its obvious the Brotherhood has failed. Brotherhood have flawed policies
-Well except if ya play the previous one, ya should know by now that while the Western BOS obtain and secure the ideology of technology, they were also the one that share its technology right at the beginning of things with the NCR.
Spoiler Then there the time when they also gave giant computer to replace the hated Overseer at Vault 13.
Their way of movement and iconic Power Armor is still recognize by many people throughout the land and they are still consider one of the top high tech organization around (and they would let ya know that).
They aint collecting tech, they are holed up in their bunker and the three expeditions Mc Nemarra set has already ended up in deaths
-Oh ya, I play it. In some ending, they got Helios Back and just hustle anyone with technology they don't deem right to use. Then the one with the truce with NCR just get them on patrol duty but already got their Power Armor back that was taken from NCR. Then there the ending where the NCR were retreating and rather than just kill them, the BOS just let them go and went on getting more tech. Does not really explain why ya comment like that.
Even if NCR would trigger the war with the Brotherhood Lyons would not have gotten the Brotherhood in such an Embarrassing position..
-Naw, the situation is basically unavoidable in some cases, whether whom in charge. Tell me, how do ya think Lyon can steer away from a growing nation like that of NCR?
Lyons was a paladin not a Scribe, Its obvious he would have retreated at the first sighn of trouble, So many lives would never have been lost..
-Not if the mission told him to stay. If his mission is to secure Helio, he would do with. And the end result would most like that there would be killing involved, just like what happen when the Elder was in charge there at the time of Helios.
They are not as powerful and as strong before the Enclave is defeated, though after that Its obvious that Brotherhood has made a Lotta allies and lots of tech form the destroyed Enclave Air Force Base.. With PC help anyone could do anything, hell even the entire NCR could be killed all by himself, PC should not be put into the picture. But the fact is W-BOS would never have recruited PC to do as much operations for the BOS as E-BOS have
-I am pretty sure everyone on the wasteland DC would care less as to what the BOS did (which is really just the PC doing) and with their distribution with water, is shows. Then it comes with the problem with the PC. Basically stands, Lyons (and practically anyone in Fallout 3) become too dependent with the PC in order for their survival to last in DC. In Movaje, it is more likely that things can still run even without the existence of the PC.
When you have different people making a game, you will get a small difference in story line, Its just better to accept it than whine about it(no offence), Personally, i like the E-BOS Brotherhood and outcast faction...
-The different here is that the thing amount that Beth put forward to in their game is very obvious and has a history of that. When people back than complain about things in Morrowind as that why is X useless or why I have to walk all the way there or why can't I hit things or the classical "where dwemer puzzle cube" (ya wouldn't believe how common problem this cube brought into this forum many years ago). This lead to Beth "fixing" the problem to create Oblivion. They "fix" it but in means that really stir the whole forum around, in many case they when backward in their "progress". After listening to the fan complaint, they "fix" many thing from Oblivion to Fallot 3. In this case, it would be true and I would agree that many mechanics were look into. They storyline and lore write still passes through from Oblivion, however.
What I am saying is, I am not whining. I am complaining and if possible, challenging the idea as to why it happen. And from the sound of it, ya not liking what I have to say of this whole topic, even on the Lyon's Pride or Beth's handle with lore.
DC was nothing but a craphole, The pentagon was filled with advanced tech a large amounts of T-45d power armor, thats how they got that power armor from,DC was the capital, so its obvious there would be huge amounts of tech in the region. W-BOS would have based themselves in pentagon and started operating just like Lyons, the only difference is they would have avoided the super mutants untill its too late and when the Enclave lands, they would have ended up in Pentagon in a base unable to go anywhere , since it would be surrounded by muties...
Also to notice is W-BOS is rather stupid enough to stick to their codex and narrow philosophy even if it means death of the brotherhood, Lyons knew what he needed to do to survive and was not just about saving every last bit human being on DC. I would go with a group who is flexible enough to change their policies to handle the situation and do what they need to do to survive..
-Considering all logic that is presented in DC (the main one being there is really no form of economic other than slavery and the water is really,
really bad), it is most likely they would grab the stuff and leave. And in theory, if they were to stay, the West Coast BOS are in full force rather than split and would most likely put the mutant threat at bay. The Enclave would be an interesting encounter.
And like I say before, they are in a position where the only logical way in dealing with the position they are in now with the NCR is really hide or find tech to one up them. How would YOU deal with a whole nation you are now consider an enemy to in a place where ya are born? I would doubt the Lyon would "knew" what to do in that position other then what it is already said (he get much more "freedom" in his path choosing in the East, not so in the West).