I've worked my Redguard to a really high level (with the help of Legendary skills) to meet this guy.
Level 80!
Amazing... (you know how difficult it is to level-up even into to the seventies).
But no Ebony Warrior.
It's been kinda spooky, because every door I exit through, every town I fast-travel into, I'm keeping an eye out for him.
Reached Level 81 and a half... but still nothing.
Boom! Came around a corner in Windhelm, right there behind Candlehearth Hall, and he 'grabbed' me (there's no ignoring him).
Lord, is he big!
He's a monster. My guy barely comes up to his shoulder!
Awesome. Simply bloody awesome.
Who says there are no new thrills after many (~2000) hours gameplay?
He's one of the most impressive things I've seen; he sure looks good.
My guy looked like a little popsicle, standing beside him in Heavy Stalhrim, heheh...
It's 99.9% over & out for my Redguard Smitty.
All done; finito...
And I haven't actually fought this guy yet, because it'll really be 'over' once that occurs.
Well I suppose I had better do it... or what?
I'll be sad to beat him (and bloody sad to lose)!
So it's a no-win situation... what a fabulous game.