Well the shoulder pads are cheap armor, and I think the point is that many of the helmets and face gear pieces make sense as helmets and coverings (even including the masks that have eyes where eyes should be), but the added blue "eyes" is odd, particularly when you consider the fact that this part of the uniform for a guy working security on a floating eden.
Lol, that's true. And some of the masks could be gas masks or something. But then, why doesn't everybody have them? OMG, LOGIC, it HURTS! :teehee:
Wonder what section of the Ark the Eel works in? The Aquarium, lol? (So would I have to unlock his archetype after finishing the Aquarium map? If so, that's the first place I'm going to,
story-order be darned, lol!)
Yes, the multiple eyes (especially over the mouth---unless that's oxygen or that's how he gets some water rations or something, lol!) *gasp* He's a fish-mutant guy!

Awwwww, but it's okay, Eel, I loves you! :hugs: *coos as if to a dog/puppy* Who's a good little mutant boy? You are, yes you are!
Oh, forgot to include a pic of a http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514232210/killzone/images/7/77/SniperKZ2.jpg and some of those http://images.wikia.com/killzone/images/7/73/Helghast.jpg from Killzone 2 to show what I mean by why I think Eel looks a little familiar to those. That's so weird and cool and iconic (and kind of cute for me) in a strange way.