I hated it when it happened to Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy was never a singular universe to begin with. What really made the series go downhill was the change in art direction from 10 on, and the adoption of the character design school of thought that more zippers = good and that symmetry is the enemy.
Actually, no. In Star Wars they explain why some people can use the force, and others can't, due to the presence of midi-chlorians. Which actually makes a hell of a lot more sense than "well, Luke can use the force because he is the protagonist! Random Stormtrooper, on the other hand, can't use the force because he was only put in so that Luke could shoot him out of the sky"
And it completely ruins the whole appeal of the Force, even the name of which suggests that it is a mystical and mysterious thing not understood by science, but accepted as a part of the universe. It was originally a philosophical concept brought into the reality of the setting and ineptly trying to "explain" it just misses the point. It also begs the question as to why people who want to use the Force don't just inject a buttload of midichlorians into themselves.
Its not a bad theory.
If you believe that aliens are possible, then there's nothing wrong with the theory. There are a lot of places in the universe that are billions of years older than earth, and if you look at how fast our technology has grown over the last 100 years, you'll see how much room there is to grow in a billion years.
Lets say in theory that it would take us 10,000 years on earth to figure out how to warp through space. Those galaxies that are a billion years ahead of us figured it out over 999 million years ago. Lets face it, youre an alien pod, and Todd has been sent here to keep you pleased until they need your brain
But it is a bad theory, as everyone in TES knows where the world came from since the creation myth is universal across all cultures (except Nords, who don't have a creation myth or organized religion at all, just a long oral tradition). There's also the fact that recorded history starts when the gods decided to make the world, which is only about 7000 years old.