» Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:32 pm
TES has always been an Action-RPG, a hybrid genre.
First of all, what is an RPG? The only thing that ever seems to match in anyone's answer is: stats, numbers, and leveling up. There are "Western" RPGs, Japanese RPGs, MMORPGs. All three are quite different in many ways, but they all have three things in common: stats, numbers, and leveling up. If you disagree, then what the heck is an RPG? Because most other things don't need "stats, numbers, and leveling up" to exist, but some RPG players cry when they aren't all included in one complete package.
Now, what is an action game? That's kind of a vague name for a genre. Fighting games, FPS games, several other genres can be classified as "Action" games, but are instead referred to by their specific gameplay elements. But all action games have one thing in common. If your skills as a player are bad, then you will be bad at the game.
Now back to Action-RPGs. They combine elements from two very different, sometimes contradicting gameplay systems. A person who has a high level of player skill can overcome character skill limitations, likewise, a character with a lot of skill doing _____ can compensate for a lack of player skill. And if both the player and their character have high or poor skill doing ____, then what do you think happens? That's right, they will either have no way to do it, or they will excel in it. But this is only the case if the gameplay is set up to allow for this.
Right now, TES seems to be heading in the direction of "player and character strengths will compensate for each other's weaknesses". But the closer you get to one, the farther you get from the other. If the game puts too much focus on "RPG", then it frustrates people who like Action games (and these people are not just "casuals", even if some casuals like Action games). If the game puts too much focus on Action, then it frustrates people who like "RPG".
Bethesda is trying to make a game that appeals to both crowds, but it's not easy. If you want RPG in its purest form, then TES is not the game for you. If you want Action in its purest form, this isn't the game for you. But if you want to play a game that attempts to combine elements from both genres, then TES is a good game for you.
So, all in all, I'd say yes. TES is moving away from "RPG". And that's just fine by me.