Wow, Bukee, way to be a condescending a-hole. Good job.
For the record, I do not equate the perk system to the traits/proficiencies/feats used in D&D. Also, lockpicking and combat have lost many of their p&p derived elements (compared to Morrowind; Oblivion was where they really made big changes). As for the character creation argument, some people prefer their character pop into existence tabula rasa, allowing them to develop everything about their character through game play. Others prefer to allocate skills and knowledge at creation and to come up with back-stories that explain how this knowledge was attained. D&D let you create a character that had actually lived and learned before the game plot. To a certain extent, so did Morrowind and Oblivion. Skyrim allows this to a much reduced extent, for better or worse. So, your assertion that "it's not different at all" is incorrect.
No, it's still not different.
First, you're completely wrong about these "p&p" elements, as I have said in that post before, skills and perks DO matter. Oh there are no random rolls changed by your skills, then they are completely useless lol.
Just try out two characters one with no skill in weapons, one with 100 and fully perked, and see the difference.
But hey, your hit chance is independent from your character skill so it's less as an RPG, doesn't matter that in Morrwind, you still had to get physically hit the enemy, you still had to aim your bow or spells, the arrow or spell had to actually land on the enemy. These required no character skill, your aim did not get better with higher skill, your spells are still just as slow with higher level, you can still just as well dodge every enemy projectile no matter how much agility you have...
So those don't matter?
And the character creation thing, in Morrowind or Oblivion it hardly matters when you can just ignore what you've started with.
Claiming Skyrim to be dumbed down because you don't have this is just ignorant, when deciding to become a certain character, then living by it basically the same as creating somebody.
No, you cannot just create a full character and see how he/she works, because what you create is just a shadow of a character, a level 1 nobody, with barely any skills, only later on will they develop. Starting out with some skills just gives you a head start.
So yeah, not knowing how RPG works, just clinging to completely irrelevant facts.
People Live on the forum.....rofl.
hey heads up, its a forum, people trade thoughts and have opinions that differ from yours.
and why are we just focusing on stats? have you seen the guilds? 5 quests in the college of winterhold and your already arcmage, 3 contract hits and your already a listener for DB. What part of Skyrim is exactly "biggests and craziest game we've ever made" ?
and because people like to fang you at the slightest hint of not liking something in the game.
Disclaimer I don't hate Skyrim Disclaimer
Probably because the rest of the quests have absolutely nothing to do with advancement, and the guild doesn't stop when you become the leader?