Attributes are not an RPG element, they are a combat mechanic.
A Charisma stat reflects a quality of the PC's personality and behavior. Their ability to command respect, awe, trust, or just to generally be liked (or feared).
A Perception stat reflects the PC's ability to draw in the details of their surroundings ~not just aiming a weapon. Perception could identify traps (in fact I'd prefer it if traps were invisible until noticed by the PC ~via stat check).
Strength is what can be carried, but could also apply to door & container bashing, and in a sophisticated RPG, even have an effect on intimidation tactics.
An Intelligence stat should not merely be for Mana/Magika. It reflects individual cleverness and understanding (and should have a marked and very significant effect on dialog and interaction options).
A Wisdom stat (not found in TES or Fallout) reflects a PC's understanding of when best to act (and what would happen because of it), rather that just what action to take; Also it commonly doubles as willpower, and mental resistance.
Luck should affect any skill activity or random chance. Agility should reflect the PC's body awareness and flexibility; can mean speed, but speed can mean other than agile.
Constitution/endurance usually means stamina, but also can mean general healthiness ~ a low constitution meaning a sickly individual. prone to ailments.
None of these are combat related (though most can apply to combat); ALL apply to the PC's 'character' and different values reflect different (personal) strengths and weaknesses ~Bedrock aspects of roleplaying no? (its the resources they have in their life; Its what they have to work with; what the player then has to work with).