I've been setting up my mod list in Fallout New Vegas recently and also started playing with the idea of another Morrowind playthrough. For NV its been easy to browse the Nexus or youtube for the major mods the many many people have used and rated but its also handy to find some of the lesser known mods.
While fallout has a few youtube users that covered mods for it as well as reviews, Skyrim seems to have really blown up with it. http://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids?feature=g-user-u was the first fellow I found doing it and he pointed his viewers to a few others as well. Now I can find plenty of youtubers making mod reviews and showcases, both good and bad. For me its been a great way to both hear and see some of the mods being released and get an idea of what they are about as well as an opinion on the mod. This has also led me to find mods I may not have otherwise.
I'm curious as to how many people really do enjoy this form of finding mods and keeping up with the newer mods as they release. I know Gopher usually gets word out on newer mods within a week or more of its release and, for me at least, has a pretty solid opinion that is near my own.
My main wonder is that while Skyrim and partially Fallout New Vegas have had a big image on youtube for the modding scene, the past games don't have as much of a presence at all. Most of the videos on mods I can find for Morrowind and even Oblivion are made by users with a handful of videos who then gave up on it, so there exists little consistency between the different accounts who simply cover a random arrangement of mods, mostly the major already well known ones.
I just wonder why no one has taken on this sort of thing. With Skyrim its great to be able to search up mods on youtube and find all sorts of videos showcasing both popular and obscure mods while with Morrowind or Oblivion its hard to find much especially by that scope.
Does anyone else think it would be an interesting idea or endeavor if someone or different folks would do something similar with the other games in the series as the latest games have had or would it just be to much of a hassle since there are already so many mods and few new mods to have release and cover in this way. I can see how it can be easy to simply find new mods and review them versus searching through the database of Morrowind mods and mod lists and reviewing them.