I can't think of any other first-person RPGs besides TES.Yeah, I prefer the FPS view

Morrowind and Oblivion are the first open-world games I've ever liked and now they've become my favorite games ever (up there with the HL series).They are also the first RPGs I've ever played.
I love how subjective the lore is, it is one of those things that make the games come to life.The TES games always impress the gamers through graphics, among other things, but there is much more to TES no matter how good the graphics are.The atmosphere just drags you in.The stories are never cliche, yes, not even the Main Quest of Oblivion.Another thing I love about Elder Scrolls is that those new to the series can easily get tricked by in-game political propaganda, gods etc.
I wanna get the GOTY edition of Skyrim.