What "they said" sounds like the most idiotic marketing plan ever. :rolleyes:
Still, how much did Bethesda pay this Keyes dude to make the novel? Why couldn't that money have been used for TESV's development, or for awesome merchandise (Daedric Alphabet keyboard, NECA action figure series, sountracks, art books, etc)?
Or a comic book? Given how visual video games are, using a comic book as a medium makes sense, since it is also a visual medium. I can think of a dozen pencilers, inkers, and colorists who'd do a fantastic job.
Didn't they do that with Redguard? This is probably the only time I'll endorse a comic book, but it would have been a good idea, cost less, and irritated far fewer people. A comic book is short, relatively throwaway, a taster, for fun. It fits the medium of videogames. A book is supposed to be a good read in its own right. More is expected of it.
If I drew a Venn diagram of "People who read books" and "people who are interested in reading a book based on a video game series," the overlap would be incredibly itsy bitsy teentsy weentsy. As small as Todd's perceived estimation of the mod users for TESIV.
Probably true. I read books, I play games, but rarely do the two overlap, cos' when you do, you get crap like this.
As before stated many of those books weren't written by a lore master but by another author. Hence why some of the books aren't boring. (as I stated later)
And it is YOUR OPINION that you do not like the writing. Get over yourself people. Other people in this thread including me DO, you DO NOT have to bash a man's lifework simply because "you don't like his style". And if you do, you could at least be POLITE about it. It was a chapter or less of text, yet you seem to be judging keyes skill entirely on it.
Actually, many of those ingame books were written by Loremasters. MK didn't just write the sermons, y'know?
And yes, we are perfectly entitled to bash a man's lifework if we are the target and the work is substandard. You publish something, you accept people will crticise it, its that simple.
I'd be interested in seeing what an ordinary reviewer thinks of the writing, without the bias of TES fandom. I'm fairly sure he'd reach the same conclusion as us.