know not everyone believes what Wikipedia has to say (nor should they) but I think its been confirmed that Jeremy Soule is making the soundtrack for Skyrim!
While without official word from Bethesda, I'm not sure how much we can trust any claims to that effect, but I certainly would not be at all surprised if Jeremy Soule is returning for Skyrim, since Bethesda seems to like him a lot, judging from the fact they used him for both Morrowind and Oblivion. And I'm sure the reason they did not get him for Fallout 3 is because his usual style wouldn't fit the atmosphere of Fallout, not because they've decided to stop using him.
But one thing I really want to see in the series is more music for different types of situations and environments, because while Oblivion improved upon Morrowind somewhat by having music for dungeons and towns as well as wilderness areas, instead of just generic exploration music, it still could have been better. A tavern isn't supposed to have the same kind of atmosphere as a quiet city street, so why should it have the same music? Also, boss fights really deserve their own music, especially if the popular belief that Skyrim is going to involve slaying dragons is actually true, I'd be tempted to bang my head against a wall repeatedly if I'm fighting a dragon and get the same music as when fighting a mudcrab.
If the music from the trailer is any indication, I'd say I have reason to be optimistic about the quality of Skyrim's music (Of course, it's always possible that it's not. Since as much as I liked Morrowind's main theme, I found most of the other music to be rather forgettable, proving that just because the theme song of the game is good doesn't mean the rest of the soundtrack is equally impressive, assuming that song is the theme song at all. For what we know now, it could have been composed specifically for the trailer, though such a move would seem like kind of a waste.) but we have no guarentee, at this time, that the game will have enough situational music to properly capture the atmosphere of each part of the game.