M'aiq wonders who do you support? The Empire or the Aldmeri Dominion?
M'aiq supports the Empire all the way. He disapproves of the third Aldmeri Dominion and their ways.
M'aiq wonders who do you support? The Empire or the Aldmeri Dominion?
M'aiq supports the Empire all the way. He disapproves of the third Aldmeri Dominion and their ways.
Can't vote. No option for "he's too hairy"
Haha. This poll reminds of the final question in the G.O.A.T. exam in FO3. You're kind of screaming that you don't want people to vote.
The Empire. Basically because I take the remaining eight divines over whatever the Thalmor is presenting us with. It's my opinion that they basically view the divines as powerful spirits who feed off of the worship of mortals, by eradicating the worship of Talos they essentially diminish his power. So yeah, the Empire definitely.
Can't say I love the Empire in Skyrim.. but I loved the Septim Dynasty in Oblivion. Nostalgia..
Can't vote due to the second part of the poll.
I chose the thalmor cause i'm a hipster.
Note, this is not a serious vote, never believe M'aiq, he's a liar
Given the options allowed in the first question, it's an easy choice to go with continued Imperial rule of everything over the Aldmeri Dominion, which at this point basically means the Thalmor.
However I'd like to take back my answer on the second question. I thought I was voting to have six with M'aiq the Liar.
Well, I would choose the Empire. It's rather unfortunate that most agents of the Thalmor are so thoroughly antagonistic and cruel. Some of their aims, like introducing a new age of powerful Elven culture, could be considered noble. Not to mention that despite the Empires' intentions, it DID subjugate other countries. Yet the Thalmor are answering this interpreted crime with the same crime.
If there are indeed purges in their home state, all the more reason not to trust them. As for the banning of Talos? Tiber Septim may have committed atrocities, but they cannot be laid at the feet of a God. Talos is not necessarily purely Tiber Septim. If the Thalmor are worried that Man will rise up and forge anew their Empire, with the worship of Talos taking on some of Shors characteristics (elf slaughtering), consider this: the incarnation of Talos at Red Mountain pretty much hinted at the end of the Empire, and that something else would have to take its place.
I conclude that the Thalmor must be stopped, for the sake of millions of innocent lives, and for the sake of the very existence of Tamriel. For nothing good comes of shaking the foundations of the world, of which Talos may not have originally belonged, but to which he is now.
As for the second choice, I chose the second option in it.
The third aldmeri dominion want to make it so man never existed. So empire.
Once the Thalmor are destroyed and someone reasonable is put in power, I'll be 100% behind the Dominion.
Aldmeri Dominion, complete with the Thalmor. For they shall free us from Lorkhan's prison, and we will once again return to aetherius. And none of us will be left behind.
M'aiq would make a very sixy rug indeed.
I would prefer an Empire of Men that did not bend knee to to the Dominion.
Lydia has really taken to the new throw rug for "relaxing" after clearing a Dungeon
I would support the Empire.
And yes, M'aiq, my lady Khajiit dragonborn thinks you are sixy.
The Empire, but only after it gets its proverbial ducks in in order
Yeah I remember when he said that it gives me hope for and elder scrolls game set in valenwood or summerset.
M'aiq is glad you are trapped in Valthume by Valdar.
M'aiq deleted the second question and added a third answer to the first question.