You pmed me (twice

) asking for my opinion. Unfortunately, I don't have the time and willpower needed to give your story justice. Honestly, I only have the attention span right now (long day at work -_- ) to read the first couple installments. I can tell by the comments on the last few pages that things get really interesting later on, though.
Everyone else seems to have you well in hand anyway. It's awesome to see you continually going at it like the proverbial 'engine that could,' and I love seeing how helpful everyone continues to be.
You definitely are improving. Your dialogue still occasionally sounds a little generic and stiff, but it's definitely getting there. Good job, and just keep working at it. You're definitely producing results. :goodjob:
Remember to keep your pace nice and slow, so that you don't leave a reader too far behind. Take the time to set the tone... use the setting, descriptions, and reflection to help steady your pace. Dialogue is an excellent tool for many things, but it's not your only one. (Again, I didn't get through as much as I should, so feel free to call me out if I spoke too soon, there.

One curious thing I noticed, and I'm not sure if someone's mentioned it... when did you start dropping the punctuation in your dialogue? You're using commas (and a lot of them!) but nothing else in dialogue. This is disconcerting.
"I was in Vvardenfell, watching the rebuilding of Ald'Ruhn when this happened, I failed to protect them from the mad Champion of Cyrodiil."
This is obviously grammatically incorrect. It should probably read...
"I was in Vvardenfell, watching the rebuilding of Ald'Ruhn when this happened. I failed to protect them from the mad Champion of Cyrodiil."
"I was in Vvardenfell, watching the rebuilding of Ald'Ruhn when this happened; I failed to protect them from the mad Champion of Cyrodiil."
"I was in Vvardenfell, watching the rebuilding of Ald'Ruhn when this happened... I failed to protect them from the mad Champion of Cyrodiil."
...or any other type of punctuation
except commas. Commas are awesome and useful, but they can't do everything... and one of the things they can't do is seperate two independent clauses.
Oh, and remember to spell check your passages. I caught a few typos that could have been caught by a simple computer check.
Again, I'm sorry that I don't have the attention span to give you more than that. You've been eternally attentive, receptive to criticism, enthusiastic... just generally the best kind of aspiring writer. Keep at it, and continue to enjoy yourself.