The Empire's fate is an important topic on these forums. My question to all if how would you feel if the Empire collapsed and a union of provinces emerged?
The Empire's fate is an important topic on these forums. My question to all if how would you feel if the Empire collapsed and a union of provinces emerged?
I would be pleased, I actually see it as the most likely occurrence, which will form a new Empire
I would love nothing else than to see the Empire fall and the Aldmeri Dominion take over. If the Thalmor happen to be in charge, so be it. If not, then even better.
There is no Thalmor option. The poll asks how would you feel if an alliance of nations was formed against the Thalmor.
I will allways serve the Empire. Uriel septem saved my ass plenty of times, I owe it to him
It comes as no surprise by now, I'm sure, but I'm actually in favor of a divided Tamriel without an over-arcing dominant force. I think the time of Empires and Dominions has long past, and would be much more eager to see what would happen if each province was given independence again.
The question is - if there isn't a "police state", will everyone place nice enough, or will there always be a would-be conqueror-king waiting in the wings to try and reshape the continent as they see fit?
I'd like to see a Tamriel that actually embraces progress, development and the future rather than repeating it's mistakes every century. Four thousand years minimum of recorded human history on Tamriel alone and people are still starry-eyed over crossbows.
I'm sure it can be inferred by my response, what selections in the poll I chose.
Though Im a supporter of the empire, I just think their too weak to hold Tamriel - someone else it gonna have to take their place. Their just sorta biding their time with the WGC till the elves launch their final attack.
If it happens, it happens. I'm neutral on the whole thing, despite being supportive of the Empire. I still doubt they will fall. But TES without the Empire, just doesn't feel right to me.
You'd be pleased because then the Dominion might have a worthy opponent?
Personally, I wouldn't really mind the collapse of the Empire. I only side with it in Skyrim because I'm against Ulfric. I actually prefer the old provinces being independent nations.
However, I wouldn't be so pleased about this alliance of nations against the Thalmor idea. I'd rather the Thalmor be removed from power by sources within the Aldmeri Dominion.
Oh, of course. I doubt such a thing would ever happen, I'm just wondering if all the anti-Imperialism mentality in Tamriel would result in no one trying again anytime soon, or if we could look forward to an immediate "Just because all those Empires ended badly doesn't mean mine would!" invading force.