May I point out that there's already been a thread locked due to discussion of religion (well, philosophy, more properly) and that this one is heading in the same direction? It'd be a shame to see the end of such an interesting thread.
The Septim Empire; A top-heavy byzantine power structure that has been teetering for centuries on the brink of open civil war.
It has overreached its influence into untenable areas of conquest such as the Eastern Provinces, which has lead to widespread corruption and wilfulness not only within the Legion, but in the local Guilds as well. Having imposed its unbalanced economy on the Star-Wounded East, it has to resort to resource bans and tariffs to maintain a semblance of order in the commercial arena. Drug and artifact smuggling further worsens the situation.
There is widespread political unrest throughout the Empire, which has spread to the very threshold of White Gold Tower. There are riots in the streets of the Capitol, with many casualties. The people are unsettled by the fearful rumour that the Emperor's sons are dopplegangers placed by the Tharnatos during his reign. Uriel VII himself has falled deathly ill. The Empire's future looks dire.
Oblivion:Empire is Law! Law is Sacred!
Unbroken line of kings!
Emperor Uri looks quite good for an eighty-seven-year-old!
The economy is booming! Even bandits have [censored]in' get-ups!
All the other Provinces are [censored] up, but they aren't here, so it's okay!!
Future is bright!! Long live the Empire!!

Keep in mind that there hasn't strictly
been a unified Septim Empire since the days of its founder, and Uriel VII was seen as the last great hope for the Imperium.