Basically, I would like to know which races support or hate the current Empire.
Basically, I would like to know which races support or hate the current Empire.
Well, at the onset of the game, the only provinces that belong to the Empire are Cyrodiil, High Rock, and (Western) Skyrim.
That should give you a good idea of the popularity of the Empire throughout Tamriel.
I think this would fit better in the lore section. and what pirate lord said is accurate.
Summerset Isles, Valenwood and Elsweyr are parts of the Aldmeri Dominion.
High Rock and Cyrodiil belong to the Empire. Skyrim is torn.
Hammerfell blames the Empire for betraying them during the Great War. Morrowind had bigger problems with cleaning the mess after Red Mountain eruption and Argonian invasion, so they probably just want to be left alone. Black Marsh was never particularly supportive of the Empire and this hasn't changed.
How come?
Anyhow it sounds like those two provinces don't exactly hate the Empire, they just would rather run their land on their own terms.
Location:England or Skyrim, Mostly Skyrim.
Dem stereotypes.
The Empire pulled the troops they had in Morrowind to save Cyrodiil during the oblivion crises. and left the Dunmer unprotected. thats why they hate them.
I know. I want proof that they actually hold a grudge.
The ruling faction in Black Marsh instituted a purge of not just imperial influence, but also of Argonians they deemed "imperialized." Source: The Infernal City.
The chancellor in House Redoran in Solstheim says that Dunmer are bitter against the empire for abandoning MW in the Oblivion Crisis. Source: Dragonborn DLC
Conversation goes like this I believe.
"What can you tell me about House Hlaalu?"
Traitors. The lot of them. Their collaboration with the Empire may have given them unrivaled political and economic strength, but their hearts weren't with the Dunmer people. They had welcomed the Empire with open arms, and benefited from it.
"I presume that was their downfall."
Hlaalu deserved every bit of the hatred they received once the Empire released its grasp on Morrowind.
"What happened to house Hlaalu as a result?"
Having past ties to the Empire immediately turned them into the scapegoat for the Dunmer people's suffering. When everything was said and done, they were no longer recognized as a Great House and were dismissed from the Council.
Cyrodiil: You will give me everything and I will give you nothing.
Adril's dialogue in Dragonborn DLC. besides why shouldnt they? the Empire abandoned them to save their own ass.
6.5 provinces hate or dislike the Empire
2.5 provinces are content or like the Empire and we still don't know much about High Rock yet.
No races hate the Empire...if they know whats good for 'em!