» Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:02 pm
Ulfric Stormcloak is just a pawn for the Thalmor. If you read some of the lore in-game, it explains a bit of that.
Or if you would rather read about it online (I've been reading up on some of it, so I can pick a side easier)
I played both starts of the Stormcloak (following Rolof) and following the Empire guy (can't remember his name). And I thought the Empire guy was more friendly...the first Stormcloaks we meet he says "Maybe we can reason with them" (may not be exact words)...and the Stormcloaks just attack right away. Following Rolof, they don't want to reason or anything, it is just kill kill kill.
Having said that, I haven't fully decided if my Dunmer should follow Rolof and then learns throughout the game of how his people are treated. But he knows little of what is going on. Eventually he joins the Empire as he learns things. This path may offer a bit more exploration and my character can learn things as he continues his journey in Skyrim.
Or if he already knows some things, and has family somewhere in Skyrim that have revealed some information to him about what is going on. So he tries to get into Skyrim to get to his family, but also with plans to join the Empire (haven't fully decided on a reason for this yet, but coming from Cyrodiil, maybe he has friends in the Empire or something)...but he already does not like the Stormcloaks from what was revealed to him in letters. This path, I would follow the Empire guy, instead of Rolof. Maybe he still investigates himself of how his people are treated and wants more information on the Stormcloaks or/and Ulfric. Then he has a reason to explore and what not.