It all started at the Peace Meeting... Olfric wouldn't shut up and kept making demands. He cared not for the return of the world eater or Nordic Lore, but instead his own problems and desires. He then was so bold as to INSULT me after making a completely reasonable compromise. Insult the Dragonborn at High Hrothgar? Are you joking?
Then, I went to Windhelm. I was genuinely horrified at the sight that I saw. The city looked slummy, the crime rate was high, and the dunmer were being mistreated. How could I expect Olfric to be a noble High King when he can barely be a Jarl?
Then I went to Solitude. Everything was sqeaky clean, the citizens were being treated fairly and everything seemed to be in order. Also at the meeting, the General was completely respectful and professional. He had no plans of discussing the war and was surprised when Olfric began making demands.
As much as I dislike the thought of the Empire running Skyrim ... it seems like they do it better ... Have I been decieved?