Lolz so your honestly going to go by gamesas, "Hollywood you shoot it and it blow's up in a mushroom cloud" lore? Your also going to say that you know exactly 100% that fusion reactor in FO gives Unlimited range? When clearly in FO2 that wasn't the case. I'm not using any of FO3 lore because I'm trying to show how it's wrong in the first place.
Also Lt. So you know exactly the vertibird specs so you can get the exact numbers for it fuel tank, and engine fuel efficiency. IF they could fly so far why does the techs at Navarro say the MUST STOP at Navarro because they can't make the return trip? You guys seem to be making up answers to why they should go further while ignoring the fact that in FO2 they couldn't do it. I don't care what we can do today that doesn't factor into what Vertibirds can do. they are clearly short ranged. I just looked up a few Sea helo's in use to day. they have ranges of about 500 miles or so. So it's not that far off for the Vertibird to have such a short range.
Look, no offense, but you don't have much reason to state outright "gamesas's lore is wrong and FO2's is completely right" when I've repeatedly given factual evidence that an 87.5 mile effective range is literally
preposterous on a military aircraft by the year 2077. I really don't see how you can say "Vertibirds don't have unlimited range just because Beth says so" and then turn around and say "Vertibirds have an 87.5 mile range because Black Isle said so". That's a bit hypocritical.
500 miles (which, by the way, is shorter because they're designed for carrier operations, while Vertibirds aren't) is still almost
six times your proposed Vertibird range, and it's not a valid comparison in the first place as the Vertibird of FO2, FO3 and FONV is designed to operate from ground bases.
Again, please explain how the military would be able to establish and maintain Vertibird airbases within 50-80 miles of the front lines of a war. It doesn't make sense, and in two pages of posts I haven't yet seen one plausible explanation as to how a military aircraft could possibly have such pathetic reach.
Finally, fusion reactors give near-unlimited range because that's the way they work. Ships that have nuclear reactors don't need to refuel for years; a Vertibird would likewise have extreme range.