The Enclave and New Vegas Brotherhood and Capitol Wasteland

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:48 am

I wish the Brotherhood of Steel in FNV were more involved in the main storyline regardless of which faction you sided with. Like in Fallout 3 the Brotherhood were more involved in the storyline then they are in New Vegas. But that couldn't have had happened with the option of picking factions to side with. I am also bummed out over the fact that the Enclave arent in FNV as well i know that is the result of the Broken Steel DLC for Fallout 3 but they could still at least make a bigger appearance then just remnants do you guys agree?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:35 am

The Enclave should be dead on the west coast entirely because between The Chosen One and the NCR all of their bases have been destroyed.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:20 pm

The giant amounts of Enclave and BoS soldiers made the final part of FO3 seem like some sort of sci-fi war.I hated it so no,I wouldn't want more.I like them being small yet able faction.The Enclave Remnants,even though they were tiny, had an epilogue that continued to show how powerful 5(?) members were.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:52 am

No, The Enclave are more than likely dead. The real bos are on life support. Fo3 is not the first fo Enclave got defeated twice in a row.

Lyons bos are not like real bos. The real bos are like what you see in fo nv. They are not real big on helping people.
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:44 pm

Oh god, another one thinks that the stretched circumstances of Fallout 3 represent the rest of the Fallout games. Listen carefully and repeat after me, Enclave is dead, BoS is dying.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:08 pm

The Enclave do still exist in the Chicagoland area, since ED-E passed through there on his 4 year trip to Vegas.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:15 pm

Oh god, another one thinks that the stretched circumstances of Fallout 3 represent the rest of the Fallout games. Listen carefully and repeat after me, Enclave is dead, BoS is dying.

West Coast BoS is dying. Those in the East are either doing fine or actually gaining strength.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:55 am

lets just say, Making the BOS Integral to the Storyline is, and Is ONLY a Fallout 3 thing.

In Fallout 1 they play no role in the main story unless you Involve them (to fight the masters Super mutant Army).
In Fallout 2 you could miss them completely if you weren't Looking for them.

I like how they are portrayed in NV, Just as a foot note. The BOS in the west coast Got it Butt Kicked In a war with the NCR. its not stated what happened to the Original Broken Hills chapter but I assume, being that Lost hills in smack dab in NCR territory that they aren't doing too well. and Elijah's Refusal to give up Helios one cost the Mojave Chapter more than half its Members.

Veronica has the right Idea, the Brotherhood needs to Change if it is going to survive. they have failed their main mission. (just from the reaction of Veronica the 1st time she hits the silver rush, you can tell) they need to transition in to a R&D think tank in order to stay relevant.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:26 am

I wish the Brotherhood of Steel in FNV were more involved in the main storyline regardless of which faction you sided with. Like in Fallout 3 the Brotherhood were more involved in the storyline then they are in New Vegas. But that couldn't have had happened with the option of picking factions to side with. I am also bummed out over the fact that the Enclave arent in FNV as well i know that is the result of the Broken Steel DLC for Fallout 3 but they could still at least make a bigger appearance then just remnants do you guys agree?

Fallout 3 =/= Fallout series
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:48 am

The BoS is dead, long live the BoS ;)

Personally, I expected more to happen with the BoS/Outcast split in FO3. As noted here, the BoS is dying on the vine. There's gotta be a few chapters with leaders less stubborn than McNamara. I hope the lore persues that path one way or another. Perhaps out west the "BoS" will remain as-is, and a small group will break off to start a new faction with more reasonable goals.

Enclave, on the other hand, seem perfectly represented. After being repeatedly trashed by the player, there can't be too many of them left. Especially not in any organized structure. The few we do see, seems just right.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:46 am

I do Look forward to seeing how the Illinois Nazis, err I mean the Illinois Enclave is holding up.

I think it would Make for an Interesting Side quest
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:10 am

Oh god, another one thinks that the stretched circumstances of Fallout 3 represent the rest of the Fallout games. Listen carefully and repeat after me, Enclave is dead, BoS is dying.

I have to agree i don't like that fo3 stretched out the enclave but at least they finally ended them.Now there fudged on both coasts .
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:09 am

I wish the Brotherhood of Steel in FNV were more involved in the main storyline regardless of which faction you sided with. Like in Fallout 3 the Brotherhood were more involved in the storyline then they are in New Vegas. But that couldn't have had happened with the option of picking factions to side with. I am also bummed out over the fact that the Enclave arent in FNV as well i know that is the result of the Broken Steel DLC for Fallout 3 but they could still at least make a bigger appearance then just remnants do you guys agree?

Obviously you do not know the Fallout Lore.

Basically in the 2nd game the Enclave got destroyed and should have never made an appearance in the 3rd game.

Second the BoS got into a war with the NCR and got owned, prior to this they sent guys to DC. Those guys that got handed to themselves are now hidng and isolationist as the BoS has always been and are dying. In FNV and the entire West Coast both of the faction syou think should be in, should be dead and practically non-existant as they are. Now, please never again suggest that teh Enclave and BoS should eb powerful factions, at least on the West Coast. And the Enclave are completely dominated now, so just dont.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:07 am

Basically in the 2nd game the Enclave got destroyed and should have never made an appearance in the 3rd game.

Eh, the second game gives the option for Enclave Remnants to begin with. There's the entirety of Navarro still in existence unless you went to town on it. As a result, the Enclave CAN survive in a small amount in canon.

Personally, I expected more to happen with the BoS/Outcast split in FO3. As noted here, the BoS is dying on the vine. There's gotta be a few chapters with leaders less stubborn than McNamara. I hope the lore persues that path one way or another. Perhaps out west the "BoS" will remain as-is, and a small group will break off to start a new faction with more reasonable goals.

Weirdly, Veronica says that McNamara is as close to a flaming liberal as EXISTS in the Brotherhood of Steel.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:16 am

What you are all failing to realize is that the Enclave and the BoS were big factions. Just because they were hit hard in one area, doesn't mean they're going to be gone from all over. The other states most likely have Enclave and BoS located in them. They are probably thriving and growing. Just because they got wiped out in NCR lands doesn't mean they're completely gone. Also, even after you destroy the Enclave in FO 3, they still hold a strong presence. Just because you cut off the head, the body doesn't die immediately. They found a new leader, and they most likely will do so again. We've only seen the events on the coasts. But what about the inland states? We dont know much about those lands.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:43 am

What you are all failing to realize is that the Enclave and the BoS were big factions. Just because they were hit hard in one area, doesn't mean they're going to be gone from all over. The other states most likely have Enclave and BoS located in them. They are probably thriving and growing. Just because they got wiped out in NCR lands doesn't mean they're completely gone. Also, even after you destroy the Enclave in FO 3, they still hold a strong presence. Just because you cut off the head, the body doesn't die immediately. They found a new leader, and they most likely will do so again. We've only seen the events on the coasts. But what about the inland states? We dont know much about those lands.

Yes but literally all the west side enclave where in the posideon oil rig when it blew up as far as i'm aware.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:20 am

What you are all failing to realize is that the Enclave and the BoS were big factions

No they were not, the Enclave were only the "cream of the crop" government officials and business leaders and their families, the original BoS were a portion of the Security Department at Mariposa Military Base before defecting, and neither of them accept any outside recruits, and only breed within themselves. It makes no sense how many of them there are after so many years.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:31 am

Oh god, another one thinks that the stretched circumstances of Fallout 3 represent the rest of the Fallout games. Listen carefully and repeat after me, Enclave is dead, BoS is dying.

I have to stop your there. Enclave arnt dead. You have no clue of how many are left. Just because they were destroyed in the west coast and in the east makes you think that there all dead? little naive don't ya think? Theres still ton of America left and they could be anywhere in it. Dont start making conclusions without full backed up proof to do so.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:22 pm

No they were not, the Enclave were only the "cream of the crop" government officials and business leaders and their families, the original BoS were a portion of the Security Department at Mariposa Military Base before defecting, and neither of them accept any outside recruits, and only breed within themselves. It makes no sense how many of them there are after so many years.

Yes, but they have outposts throughout the US. Just because the majority of them were wiped out on both costs, doesn't mean they're all gone. Same thing with the BoS, I believe one Chapter of the BoS actually runs Chicago, if i remember my Fallout Lore correctly.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:07 am

Yes, but they have outposts throughout the US. Just because the majority of them were wiped out on both costs, doesn't mean they're all gone. Same thing with the BoS, I believe one Chapter of the BoS actually runs Chicago, if i remember my Fallout Lore correctly.

The MWBoS control the area outside of Chicago, yes. and Fallout 2 tells us that the Enclave congregated on the Rig, which was then blown up, the survivors from Navarro, after losing more men in the battle where NCR took control of Navarro, they made a pilgrimage across the entire American Wasteland to DC, establishing bases along the way (Chicago outpost) but, given the circumstances, it is unlikely that any established outpost would be of considerable size, likely only refueling stations manned as minimally as possible so they can remain as unified as possible, after getting to DC and reorganizing under Eden, Raven Rock (Where i assume the civilian population of the Enclave was, on lower levels we had never seen) self-destructed, then a large number of soldiers get wiped out by the BoS and Optimus Prime in the battle for Project Purity and Autumn is killed, then they reassemble again under... nobody... and occupy Adams Air Force Base, when that plucky wonder from Vault 101 walks up and hands them their walking papers, delivered via orbital strike ballistic missiles, once again destroying another supposed "majority" of the Enclave for the third time in a row. The Enclave is [censored] dead, the only thing left are Remnants.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:35 am

The MWBoS control the area outside of Chicago, yes. and Fallout 2 tells us that the Enclave congregated on the Rig, which was then blown up, the survivors from Navarro, after losing more men in the battle where NCR took control of Navarro, they made a pilgrimage across the entire American Wasteland to DC, establishing bases along the way (Chicago outpost) but, given the circumstances, it is unlikely that any established outpost would be of considerable size, likely only refueling stations manned as minimally as possible so they can remain as unified as possible, after getting to DC and reorganizing under Eden, Raven Rock (Where i assume the civilian population of the Enclave was, on lower levels we had never seen) self-destructed, then a large number of soldiers get wiped out by the BoS and Optimus Prime in the battle for Project Purity and Autumn is killed, then they reassemble again under... nobody... and occupy Adams Air Force Base, when that plucky wonder from Vault 101 walks up and hands them their walking papers, delivered via orbital strike ballistic missiles, once again destroying another supposed "majority" of the Enclave for the third time in a row. The Enclave is [censored] dead, the only thing left are Remnants.

Your whole theroy is on speculation. We dont know for certain if thats how they did things. Maybe they had another base somewhere in the middle of the US? Who's to say? We can only sit back and wait to see what happens.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:40 am

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:02 am

The way I look at the Enclave, if they truly saw themselves as the continuity of the pre war government, then they would have taken the necessary step to scatter themselves more than what has so far been presented in the Fallout games. Thus ensuring that their goal could one day be met. You can't have your main army on the West Coast and the East Coast alone. They would have spread out all over the country. So while their largest chapter was destroyed in the West, and a branch of the Enclave was defeated in the East, there could still conceivably be many more Enclave people around. Just because they were decimated in 2 locations, doesn't mean they've been totally wiped out. One of their goals was to eventually repopulate the land with the "pure" humans of the Enclave, eradicating everyone and everything standing in that goals way. If that was their plan they wouldn't have made a mistake to only base themselves primarily in 2 locations.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:45 am

I would like see them as a minor faction like BoS. Though their ideology must be changed while there turning into a secluded group.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:40 am

I hope some of the DLCs include more BoS and Enclave. I loved fighting the Enclave in Fallout 3. I never got into Fallout 1 2 and Tactics. So Fallout 3 is my main source of Fallout Lore.
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