The Enclave and New Vegas Brotherhood and Capitol Wasteland

Post » Sat May 29, 2010 12:51 am

Your whole theroy is on speculation. We dont know for certain if thats how they did things. Maybe they had another base somewhere in the middle of the US? Who's to say? We can only sit back and wait to see what happens.

It's like me saying theres unicorns or theres a GOD just because it can't be ruled out doesn't mean it is real .
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 4:04 am

I hope some of the DLCs include more BoS and Enclave. I loved fighting the Enclave in Fallout 3. I never got into Fallout 1 2 and Tactics. So Fallout 3 is my main source of Fallout Lore.

So you only know 1/4 of what you are talking about :wink_smile:
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 1:00 am

So you only know 1/4 of what you are talking about :wink_smile:

Pretty much :P I know the Enclave were destroyed on the oil rig, and they were destroyed again in Fallout 3. But those are two different Coasts, two different Enclaves. The remnants are just the left overs from the original Enclave.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri May 28, 2010 11:28 pm

Alright let's review the situation shall we,
In the events of Fallout 2 the Enclave's oil rig was blown up and Navarro was wiped out.
The Enclave heard a message from Eden saying he was the new president, hearing that, a branch of the Enclave travelled to Raven Rock and set up.
In the events of Fallout 3 the Enclave saw Project Purity and took it over but they couldn't activate it then the BoS swooped in and kicked the Enclave's ass.
The remains of the east coast Enclave occupied Adams Air Force Base (It is not known whether the Enclave occupied the base during having control of Project Purity or if they retreated there) again The Lone Wanderer kicked the Enclave's ass, only this time with an orbital missile strike. So the Enclave had their asses kicked on the west coast and the east coast.
In the events of Fallout New Vegas the remnants of the west coast Enclave were old and trying to get on normal lives but they had their last stand at the battle of Hoover Dam.
Riding off into the sunset, the Remnants were never heard from again.
After watching the ending slide of the Remnants I imagined the ending of Fallout New Vegas the movie with the vertibird flying towards the sunset with the amera doing that close circle thing then the credits roll.
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Post » Fri May 28, 2010 10:57 pm

Yes, but the enclave in the east were too spread out to be wiped out completely. The BoS weren't that strong to completely wipe them out. Also, you dont have to wipe out the Enclave in Fallout 3. You could wipeout the BoS or shoot the beam in the middle of nowhere. You're all assuming that the Enclave was wiped out. I suppose the popular choice would be to wipe out the Enclave, but that doesn't mean the small remnants in the US would just sit around, thumbs up their butts, and do nothing. I'm sure once they heard what happened, they reorganized and gathered strength. Maybe they allowed new people into their ranks?
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 7:15 am

DemonLord, there is no East/West Coast Enclave, there was only THE Enclave, there were not seperate Enclaves, the Enclave went to the East from the West after Fallout 2.

And another thing, the Enclave will NEVER EVER recruit outsiders, not even from Vaults. You are ignoring all of what the Enclave is just so they can come back to be your cannon fodder evil empire enemy.
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Marquis T
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 7:11 am

Hmmm... but that doesn't mean they didn't establish bases throughout the US, on their journey. This is the former US Government we're talking about here. They must've had a continguincy(sp?) plan, in case something like Navarro happened again.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 6:34 am

Hmmm... but that doesn't mean they didn't establish bases throughout the US, on their journey. This is the former US Government we're talking about here. They must've had a continguincy(sp?) plan, in case something like Navarro happened again.

The MWBoS control the area outside of Chicago, yes. and Fallout 2 tells us that the Enclave congregated on the Rig, which was then blown up, the survivors from Navarro, after losing more men in the battle where NCR took control of Navarro, they made a pilgrimage across the entire American Wasteland to DC, establishing bases along the way (Chicago outpost) but, given the circumstances, it is unlikely that any established outpost would be of considerable size, likely only refueling stations manned as minimally as possible so they can remain as unified as possible, after getting to DC and reorganizing under Eden, Raven Rock (Where i assume the civilian population of the Enclave was, on lower levels we had never seen) self-destructed, then a large number of soldiers get wiped out by the BoS and Optimus Prime in the battle for Project Purity and Autumn is killed, then they reassemble again under... nobody... and occupy Adams Air Force Base, when that plucky wonder from Vault 101 walks up and hands them their walking papers, delivered via orbital strike ballistic missiles, once again destroying another supposed "majority" of the Enclave for the third time in a row. The Enclave is [censored] dead, the only thing left are Remnants.

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 4:52 am

Yes, but that doesn't mean they couldn't communicate with one another. They would regroup and plan again. This was the US government, they always have a back up plan!
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 9:55 am

Yes, but that doesn't mean they couldn't communicate with one another. They would regroup and plan again. This was the US government, they always have a back up plan!

Not if everyone is dead.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 4:30 am

Yes, but that doesn't mean they couldn't communicate with one another. They would regroup and plan again. This was the US government, they always have a back up plan!

Raven Rock WAS the back up plan, Adams Airforce Base was NOT the back-up to the back up plan, it was the remaining soldiers gathering together to make a last strike.
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Post » Fri May 28, 2010 8:28 pm

The enclave represents a particular ideology, maybe fascism, an idea that I don't ever see dieing. So if not the enclave then maybe an enclave-like faction will always be in future fallout games. I would guess that would be up to the person or persons who develop new story ideas for the next games to decide and they could very well bring back the enclave, I mean the entire fallout universe requires us to stretch our imaginations quite a bit.

As far as the BOS, didn't I read somewhere that the mid-west BOS hired outsiders? So do you think that there might be many other hired guns, maybe ghouls or supermutants or other humans represented within the BOS? They probably wouldn't be wearing power armor but still working for the MW-BOS.
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 1:56 am

The enclave represents a particular ideology, maybe fascism, an idea that I don't ever see dieing. So if not the enclave then maybe an enclave-like faction will always be in future fallout games. I would guess that would be up to the person or persons who develop new story ideas for the next games to decide and they could very well bring back the enclave, I mean the entire fallout universe requires us to stretch our imaginations quite a bit.

As far as the BOS, didn't I read somewhere that the mid-west BOS hired outsiders? So do you think that there might be many other hired guns, maybe ghouls or supermutants or other humans represented within the BOS? They probably wouldn't be wearing power armor but still working for the MW-BOS.

At the end of Fallout Tactics it says humans put their differences aside and work together with ghouls, super mutants and deathclaws to rebuild
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Fri May 28, 2010 7:23 pm

I like the fact that the BOS and Enclave play less of a role, it was time for the writers to move on and allow the storyline to progress. Even so, in NV, the BOS are still quite a powerful faction.
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 9:38 am

Obviously you do not know the Fallout Lore.

Basically in the 2nd game the Enclave got destroyed and should have never made an appearance in the 3rd game.

Second the BoS got into a war with the NCR and got owned, prior to this they sent guys to DC. Those guys that got handed to themselves are now hidng and isolationist as the BoS has always been and are dying. In FNV and the entire West Coast both of the faction syou think should be in, should be dead and practically non-existant as they are. Now, please never again suggest that teh Enclave and BoS should eb powerful factions, at least on the West Coast. And the Enclave are completely dominated now, so just dont.

well im sorry i never played the 2 since it is very old
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 2:31 am

Just wondering, it's probably not possible or stated in Canon anywhere but is it possible that these factions had bases outside the United States, Because it seems like a good idea to have somewhere to ultimately fall back to (even though the Enclave did that like 10 times).
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 6:48 am

Well the Enclave is basically the continuation of the US government (or, that was the purpose), so they probably set up most of their bases in America.

But with that being said, they could have a base set up somewhere, but I doubt that the devs would put that in the series. I doubt BoS has bases elsewhere either
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Post » Fri May 28, 2010 9:00 pm

What i dont like about the Enclave having a large base somewhere else.... is that.... we were supposed to have won. I mean. WE WON. You can't just bring them back, we beat them. You can't take that victory away from us, they have to die after we kill them. We won, let us keep that victory. It is like if the former USSR suddenly reformed again, wouldn't that just feel terrible for all those who had fought and died as a result of the events of the Cold War? Not to bring real world politics in it, but retconning a great canonical victory just so we can have stormtroopers to shoot...
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 5:55 am

Found this at Fallout Wiki, which I'm sure is old news:

The Illinois license plate bolted to ED-E's side also seems to support the idea that such Enclave outposts still exist elsewhere in North America, but also that their resources may be very limited (or that at least one Enclave technician has a strange sense of humor).

Sounds like they might still be out there to me!
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Heather M
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 8:02 am

At the end of Fallout Tactics it says humans put their differences aside and work together with ghouls, super mutants and deathclaws to rebuild

How exactly do you work alongside a deathclaw?
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 2:50 am

Well the Enclave is basically the continuation of the US government (or, that was the purpose), so they probably set up most of their bases in America.

But with that being said, they could have a base set up somewhere, but I doubt that the devs would put that in the series. I doubt BoS has bases elsewhere either

USSR eh? :whistling:
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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri May 28, 2010 10:06 pm

I am very happy the Brotherhood don't play as big of a role in the plot as they do in Fallout 3. I hate being forced to join a faction. Its an RPG. What if my character hates the BoS? Why would I help them?

Brotherhood in Fallout can be avoided. There are only a couple in Fallout 2 and you can avoid them. Fallout 3 forces you to join them. I am not that happy that we still have to deal with them for 3 of the 4 main quest lines but at least we don't have to join them.

As for the Enclave. They are dead. They are gone. The Wicked Witch is dead! Dead as a dodo. Enclave were only at the Rig and Navarro.Rig went boom. People of navarro split up. Some went to DC, some stayed at Navarro and others just gave up and were hunted by Bos and NCR. Enclave got wiped out in DC and Navarro fell to NCR. Only an outpost in Chicago remains. Midwestern Brotherhood are in Chicago as well. Maybe some remnants become apart of the MWBoS under Barnaky :shifty:

People need to get over the Enclave really please just get over them. How many times do we need to nuke them and blow them up with space weapons and nuke throwing robots? Lets have something NEW people. Not everything needs to be BoS vs Enclave!
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Kill Bill
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 10:01 am

I am very happy the Brotherhood don't play as big of a role in the plot as they do in Fallout 3. I hate being forced to join a faction. Its an RPG. What if my character hates the BoS? Why would I help them?

You're still forced to choose a faction. Its just not BoS or Enclave.
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Fri May 28, 2010 8:22 pm

You're still forced to choose a faction. Its just not BoS or Enclave.

which faction would that be?

theres always yesman. which is the most anarchistic thing to do.
thats not choosing a faction, hes just a guide to the end battle
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Sat May 29, 2010 6:40 am

You're still forced to choose a faction. Its just not BoS or Enclave.

We only got to choose BoS, there was no option to help the Enclave, you still had to kill them. Here, we have options, choices, one of those being independent.
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