Timeline reference: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline
All timeline events remain the same with special emphasis on those events in the Mojave such as 2253) the
Again, all timeline events prior to the start of FONV remain the same except that the NCR does not exist. In its place the Enclave has flourished, but for simplicity's sake, flourished in exactly the same territory and timeframe as the NCR in the Fallout universe that exists today
After responding to the above poll questions, please answer the following:
1) How do you feel the Mojave during FONV would have differed with the Enclave instead of the NCR? How do you think the Enclave would have handled situations in the Mojave?
2) How do you feel the Enclave's presence in the Mojave would have affected the other major factions (ie The Followers, the BoS, the Khans, the Three Families, the Kings, Primm, Novac, the Boomers etc)
EDIT: My responses
1) it'd be interesting to see how the Enclave would have shaped up the Mojave. Would it use its authoritarian force and military might to subdue the Mojave and make peace albeit in a way not quite as harsh as the Legion would have? Or would it have just strolled in and called everyone a mutant and set up some crazy disease to kill them all, making a worse mess of the whole thing? I'd throw my support behind the Enclave and just as in FONV as we have it now, I'd throw all my effort into improving conditions for the Enclave throughout the Mojave
2) I think the most compelling faction interaction would be the Legion and the Enclave. Would Caesar have been able to use the NCR as the strawman to rally the Legion and his philosophy of the strong and powerful Legion swallowing up and evolving the Enclave? As for the rest, I feel the Enclave would have taken the "Dark NCR" approach that is in game already for the factions basically saying, "Side with us or die." It'd be interesting to see how the people of the Mojave would accept the Enclave, whether as effective saviors from the horrors of the wastes or as heavy-handed conquerors like many view the NCR in-game currently