the Enclave in the Mojave

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:06 am

So let's imagine for a moment that instead of the New California Republic emerging as the dominant state in California in the years following the Enclave defeat in FO2, the Enclave oil rig was not destroyed and Enclave forces survived to push into mainland California and destroy the NCR and absorb all of its territories. Essentially, everything from that point being the same but instead of NCR we have Enclave, to include all their politics and idealogy.

Timeline reference:
All timeline events remain the same with special emphasis on those events in the Mojave such as 2253) the NCR Enclave sends three battalions into the Mojave after tribals massacre 38 citizens, 2270) defeat of enemy tribes in the Mojave in Bullhead City, 2271) Ranger Unification Treay, or more likely the Ranger Absorption Act, it is the Enclave after all, 2274) scouts reach Hoover Dam, forcing House to convert three tribes into the Three Families beginning tourism to New Vegas; NCR Enclave agrees to New Vegas Treaty with House. 2276) the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel chapter is defeated at HELIOS 1, 2277) Caesar's Legion assaults Hoover Dam but is repelled, 2281) some shmuck called the Courier is shot twice in the head and left for dead in some podunk-town's graveyard

Again, all timeline events prior to the start of FONV remain the same except that the NCR does not exist. In its place the Enclave has flourished, but for simplicity's sake, flourished in exactly the same territory and timeframe as the NCR in the Fallout universe that exists today

After responding to the above poll questions, please answer the following:
1) How do you feel the Mojave during FONV would have differed with the Enclave instead of the NCR? How do you think the Enclave would have handled situations in the Mojave?
2) How do you feel the Enclave's presence in the Mojave would have affected the other major factions (ie The Followers, the BoS, the Khans, the Three Families, the Kings, Primm, Novac, the Boomers etc)

EDIT: My responses
1) it'd be interesting to see how the Enclave would have shaped up the Mojave. Would it use its authoritarian force and military might to subdue the Mojave and make peace albeit in a way not quite as harsh as the Legion would have? Or would it have just strolled in and called everyone a mutant and set up some crazy disease to kill them all, making a worse mess of the whole thing? I'd throw my support behind the Enclave and just as in FONV as we have it now, I'd throw all my effort into improving conditions for the Enclave throughout the Mojave
2) I think the most compelling faction interaction would be the Legion and the Enclave. Would Caesar have been able to use the NCR as the strawman to rally the Legion and his philosophy of the strong and powerful Legion swallowing up and evolving the Enclave? As for the rest, I feel the Enclave would have taken the "Dark NCR" approach that is in game already for the factions basically saying, "Side with us or die." It'd be interesting to see how the people of the Mojave would accept the Enclave, whether as effective saviors from the horrors of the wastes or as heavy-handed conquerors like many view the NCR in-game currently
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:43 am

Well given that this is a purely hypothetical arguement I will ignire the fact that President Richardson admits that the Enclave would be destroyed by the mainlander's numberical advantage. Would I support the Enclave if it was the NCR? Yes, for all the same reasons I think that the Enclave are best suited for leadership, then again those radical values that the Enclave have wouldn't survive in this eventuality and the Enclave would rapidly devolve from a tight-knit unit into a disorganisated mess, but in the same way that the NCR is. Hell the only reason I don't support the NCR is because of my bias against them because of Navarro.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:32 am

The Enclave would kill everyone. I don t understand the misconception here.

With no NCR I d take House.

I would never support the Enclave, because they want kill everyone in the world but them selves.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:58 pm

President Richardson admits that the Enclave would be destroyed by the mainlander's numberical advantage.

The Enclave would kill everyone

shrug, one could assume that given the Enclave knows they're grossly outnumbered that they wouldn't adopt a genocidal approach, especially if they have any kind of interest in having enough people to administer a functioning state

Regardless, given the limitations on this thought experiment (to keep it from devolving into either a flame war or lets-make-anything-up fest) we don't know how the Enclave manages so much territory and whether or not they cleansed all the "unpure" humans from those territories. They could be just as spread out as the NCR is made out to be in FONV

who knows? Now back to the thread
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:12 am

The Enclave would be so much more effecient than the NCR or Legion, it would barely be a comparison.Because...

1. They have superior and safe mobility with Verti-birds. Unlike the NCR that transports everything via mutated Cow and foot. This also makes the Enclave immune to raiding parties and lost supply lines.

2. The Legion wouldn't even be a serious threat. Energy Weapons and Power Armor versus Machetes and Cowboy Repeaters.

3. The Enclave wouldn't have to worry about holding prisoners like the NCR did because they just destroy their enemies.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:08 am

But we do know, because they have been in 2 fo games. Their main goal is to kill all mutated things. Including human beings.

If it is the same Enclave we have come to know and love, they want to kill you. They are not AMUHRICAH....... They want to commit genocide.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:11 pm

But we do know, because they have been in 2 fo games. Their main goal is to kill all mutated things. Including human beings.

If it is the same Enclave we have come to know and love, they want to kill you. They are not AMUHRICAH....... They want to commit genocide.

Oh, who doesn't enjoy a bloodbath now and then? j/k
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:03 am

shrug, one could assume that given the Enclave knows they're grossly outnumbered that they wouldn't adopt a genocidal approach, especially if they have any kind of interest in having enough people to administer a functioning state

Regardless, given the limitations on this thought experiment (to keep it from devolving into either a flame war or lets-make-anything-up fest) we don't know how the Enclave manages so much territory and whether or not they cleansed all the "unpure" humans from those territories. They could be just as spread out as the NCR is made out to be in FONV

who knows? Now back to the thread

But they're just as nuts as the BOS, only opposites. Terrifyingly xenophobic, but instead of burrowing in to the ground, they want to pour out into the world and devour. :shrug:
The enclave would kill anything but prime normals (and would kill those too if they resisted them or got in the way).

The opening sequence in Fallout 2 is where the Enclave broadcast the "all clear" [come out] signal to those in the Vault,
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:22 pm

I don't support the NCR is because of my bias against them because of Navarro.

Dude , that was YEARS ago , let it go man , just let it go.

It's Autumn's fault anyway.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:00 am

But we do know, because they have been in 2 fo games. Their main goal is to kill all mutated things. Including human beings.

If it is the same Enclave we have come to know and love, they want to kill you. They are not AMUHRICAH....... They want to commit genocide.

and again, for the purposes of this discussion the Enclave now holds all of the territory that the NCR does in FONV. How the Enclave did this is irrelevant to this thread, whether it was with ten people or thousands

lets not derail the thread before it starts
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chloe hampson
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:16 pm

Dude , that was YEARS ago , let it go man , just let it go.

I ain't no Remnant [censored], keep fighting the fight with Moreno!

It's Autumn's fault anyway.

Yeah, everything is that [censored]-bag fault.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:52 am

and again, for the purposes of this discussion the Enclave now holds all of the territory that the NCR does in FONV. How the Enclave did this is irrelevant to this thread, whether it was with ten people or thousands

It's a hypothetical about a game crimeny

Im not rogering dude. Then everyone is dead besides the Enclave if they hold all the territory NCR does. Anything else is not Enclave.

They are a set faction. You make a poll involving a group that we already know their motives, but at the same time ask us to forget their motives. How can this work?

If Enclave has all the territory NCR does, that meanstheir plan worked in fo2 and everyone but them is dead. We couldn t even vote, because we would be dead or never born.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:07 pm

if you want to argue about how the Enclave came to destroy the NCR and rule over all that territory then I, again, respond with: for the purposes of this discussion it does not matter.

but if your answer to the entire hypothetical of the Enclave's role in the Mojave over the course of events as they're portrayed in the game FONV is that they'd kill everyone, then thank you. Duly noted and moving on
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:01 pm

... if your answer to the entire hypothetical of the Enclave's role in the Mojave over the course of events as they're portrayed in the game FONV is that they'd kill everyone, then thank you. Duly noted and moving on
It might be interesting to add that answer to the poll. :goodjob:

(Not to the existing questions... but as a separate 3rd side note/vote.)
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