ooc: Lucky I managed to sneak this post in. Next one won't be for a while, sadly

Xerxes shrugged his broad shoulders slightly, "How about some food?" he asked in his usual deep yet soft voice, The thought of mahogany roasted pheasant filling his head. Xerxes looked to the young Argonian, awaiting a reply. Not wanting to offer his guard, then rush off for food. He made his way to one of the plain oak chairand took a seat. The wood groaned in surprise of his sudden wait. Steeling himself, in case it gave way he set the heavy Glaive down beside him. "Or we could wait for Mel and the Breton to return." Xerxes hoped Teegus didn't want to do that, He felt enegetic, like a kitten and didnt want to be confined in such a small room for so long.
Allso thanks for the greeting jarod ^.^
At the thought of food, Teegus's stomach growled, like, something that growls. He hadn't eaten in quite a while. ''I suppose...'' He said, mixed with an exhuasted sigh.
The lizard stood up slowly, and made towards the door, then into the main area. He walked behind a man, whom had one of his legs sitting on a small wooden chair. Teegus tapped the mans shoulder gently.
''Yeah, what do you want no-'' Olav cut himself off mid-sentence as he turned to see who needed him. ''Wait....weren't you dead a few minutes ago...?'' The old Nord asked. Teegus couldn't help a smug grin; the man was having an odd day.
''Almost dead...'' He corrected, ''I need a favor...''
Olav shook his head, ''No, I ain't doin' no more 'favors' tonight, first its that crazy Elf women, harassing me to the brink of insanity, then its that cat-girl's attitude and demands. No, I'm done for tonight...''
Teegus perked his lips upward like an upset child would. He never really liked defeat, although this wasn't really the case. Difficulties, would be the correct term. ''But I'm hungry...'' He said, playfully, bearing his long sharp teeth in a.... 'persuasive' manner.
Olav saw the gesture, and groaned heavily. ''Fine! I'll fix you something up, but don't expect it to be cheap!'' He said, and Teegus grinned widely. ''Good, you wouldn't want a hungry lizard eating your customers, now would you?'' The runner of the Inn stared at the Argonian for several seconds, not really knowing what words to say, or not.
Eat my customers...? He's obviously got to be jok-, Olav caught glimpse of Teegus's eyes; the bright crimson orbs glared at him like a predators eye's would in the dark. Another one of his 'persuasive' tools.
The Nord inn-keeper grunted irritably, the stormed off to the kitchen; mumbling various things is Nordic under his breath that would have been deemed unnecessary. The man was quite annoyed, and to just drive him closer to the point of losing his sanity, Teegus called after him, ''And bring some ale while your at it!''