Xerxes' eyebrow rose in minor surprise as the little man burst into flames. He then looked around the room. Mel and the others were speaking, about what he couldn't tell,he was straining his ears to hear something else, a slight buzzing? Probably from boredom...He focused back in as Mel left the room. The Argonian gripped the blade that was just inside him. Xerxes watched as the man looked at it in awe,His eyes picked up on what the Argonian was doing,he was flicking off his own crusted blood. The Breton piped up about arcane study and Xerxes zoned out again...There it is, that faint buzzing.Xerxes frowned and gripped his Glaive tighter as The Breton finished off about being attacked. Xerxes nodded.
THe breton turned to leave as Xerxes spoke. "...Teegus how would you feel if I hung around to make sure the next ones arent lucky either?" Xerxes waited calmly for the argonian's reply.
ooc: It's been awhile since I had some Tee

, EDIT: Also, welcome back Havok :foodndrink:
Why are these guys after me? Out of all people... Teegus asked himself mentally, as he continued to scraqe his encrusted blood off the Deadric shortsword. He paused and studied the blade again.
I think I'll hang onto this...He sighed loudly as he set the sword back on the dresser.
This has been a very strange day..., people he had never heard until several hours ago, wanted him dead for some reason that remained unknown to Teegus. And to make that worse, it sounded like he pissed off their god, or Deadric prince, or whatever the hell it was.
It ain't safe for me here...well, probably wont be safe anywhere. Especially the roads...The mercenary sat back down in the seat, and rubbed the side of his snout.
What am I going to do?, he seemed to forget about his roommates, but was reminded when the giant Khajiit in the corner asked him a question.
''...Teegus how would you feel if I hung around to make sure the next ones aren't lucky either?''
At his name, Teegus looked up at the muscled-feline man, with a surprised look.
Hang around? Like what, a bodyguard? He mentally grumbled at the thought of having someone watching out for him. He didn't really like that, given that he had been alone a good portion of his life.
Ah, what the hell... If I encounter these 'Mythic Dawn' freaks again, having someone with would even the odds. Especially if he's a giant mass of muscle, and armed with a mean-looking weapon...besides...I could probably use the company too...He merely nodded to Xerxes, then looked around the room, seeing that Mel and Gregory had left. Mel, the Elf women, seemed incredibly suspicious to Teegus. All that Armor, and a Deadric weapon seemed to raise a few questions.
And Gregory, the Breton Mage. Where did that fellow run off to? Something about researching something, Teegus wasn't paying attention to what he said.
Teegus looked back at Xerxes, with an unsure look. ''Sooo...'' He began. ''What now?''
ooc: Edited due to a mistake I made...heehee