ooc: I love how Tim calls her 'Meline.' It's.. endearing.

ic: Melanarde watched his reaction to the water and smirked slightly in a knowing way. She knew very well the suffering he was going through right now. Before Tim looked back at her, though, the smirk was gone. The Altmer didn't want her newly acquired friend to think she was enjoying watching him suffer. In fact, in an odd way, it hurt her to see him in pain. Like a mother for her child, she couldn't help but want to put a stop to his misery as soon as she could.
Sitting there as he drank and rubbed his throat, Mel adjusted her skirt a little, smoothing wrinkles and checking for loose threads. When Tim's voice came from beside her again, she looked back to the young man. Taking the glass from him, she gave him a reassuring smile and refilled it from the pitcher on the bedside table. "Here you go, dear." She said softly, handing it back. As the glass left her hand, Mel looked him over and wondered at what force within her was making her want to do everything she possibly could for this boy.
I've seen both orphans and homeless people before and I've always tried to help where I could, but.. Melanarde tilted her head immeasurably as she regarded Tim,
..none of them ever evoked this from me. Maybe this is my way of coping with the fact that I'm, essentially, infertile. I've never really wanted to be a mother but.. before I enchanted myself, the option was there. Now, though..She sighed silently, the action a mere flicker behind the red of her eyes as she thought of the time that Janus had asked her if she had ever considered having children. At that, her mind turned to her relationship with the immortal man, and it forced a pang of guilt through her. No matter how she looked at it, she couldn't quite justify to herself the way she used the man's affections for her to her advantage. As her eyes refocused on the world around her, Mel looked at Tim, the feeling of happiness that looking at him brought her chasing away the feelings of guilt.
All I can do is just try to do what's right from here on out. Starting with Tim."Anything else I can get you, sweetie?" Melanarde inquired in her soft, elven voice. Were Tim an Altmer, someone might mistake him for her child from the way she was acting towards him.
________Karst allowed herself to be taken into Odeen's room and watched as he pulled the covers back for her to climb in under. She regarded the comfy looking bed a moment, then tossed her backpack down by the foot of it with a dull clink from the sack of gold contained inside, pulled off her quiver and dropped it gracelessly on top of the pack. Sitting (though it was in reality more of a falling action) down on the bed, Karst began attempting to remove her boots. She tugged at the metal-and-leather fastening on one for a moment, grunting in frustration when she couldn't seem to make the straps cooperate with her. Finally, she got the boot off, repeated the process of trial and error and annoyance with the other piece of footwear and tossed it on the floor by the other.
From her point of view, the floor seemed to be spinning a little, which made her feel nauseous, so she focused on her bare feet instead, wiggling her clawed toes and snickering at them. After a minute or so of that, Karst decided that maybe sleep might be good for her. Yanking the string loose on her back that held her shirt cinched up, she pulled the garment off over her head, tossed it on the boots and clambered into bed. Pulling the blankets over herself, she snuggled herself in, got comfortable and closed her eyes.
_______EDIT/ooc: Zant needs love, too, don't 'e?
ic: In pitch black of the currently abandoned armory was the unarmored and half undressed figure of Zan'Tarre. Under the table his gear and shirt lay in a pile while the Khajiit himself sat upon the table above, legs crossed and hands on his knees, claws partly digging into the cloth of his pants. The crystalline eyes were closed and he sat straight up and stock still, his back pressed against the cool stones of the armory's back most wall. Over the past hour and a half, he had sat here, immobile, calming his mind and body through a rough form of meditation, a combination of the mental honing techniques that remained in his mind from the attempt his mother had made at unlocking any psychic potential he might have had and of the relaxation tips Khaseena had given him when he'd been stressed. There was a peace in emptying his mind that he could not achieve from recreation or relaxation of any other flavor, a sort of serene feeling of nothingness and, in some cases, weightlessness. Of course, the latter was just a trick of the mind, but it was relaxing nonetheless.
But the time for that was over, and the time for sleep was drawing near. Reluctantly, Zant's eyes flicked open and he slid off the table gently. The Khajiit put on his shirt and boots and grabbed an empty sack from the room to carry the rest in. He wouldn't need his arms and armor until the next day, so there was no point to re-equipping them. Mind still partly at rest, he walked automatically towards his and Iris's room. The partial standby of mind ended, however, when he stepped into the main hall and startled awake at what he saw. Still armored, save for the helmet, Veyar was going through some kind of swordplay routine, moving rather gracefully for someone encased in bonemold. Leaning against the wall, he watched in silence as the Armiger appeared to fight with imaginary foes. When the whirlwind ceased, a smirk tugged at his mouth. As much as he resented Veyar for the way he had hurt his sister, he knew the man would die for her. And after seeing this display, he suddenly felt glad that Karst had the Dunmer as her guardian.
So, now, there was the part of him that wanted to lift the man up by his neck and strangle him for the pain he had cause, and the part that was glad he was there to protect the life of the one he had hurt. Zant sighed.
So much for mediation making things clearer.. He chuckled in his mind. He wanted to talk to Veyar, but didn't want to startle him in case his mind was still in combat mode. After a second of thought, he settled for something simple. From his spot against the wall by the doors, he clapped softly and smiled.
"I'm damned glad you're on
our side." He remarked in dry humor, though his expression turned just slightly more serious after the words left his mouth. "Where's Karst, though? I thought she was with-- Nevermind."
Shaking his head as the scent of alcohol hit his nostrils, he heaved a disappointed sigh. "I hope she didn't hurt herself on her way to bed." Zant commented, then rolled his eyes a little before turning his gaze back to the Armiger. "Well.. Hm. I was wondering if I might have a word with you, Veyar. There's.. a few things I wanted to ask you about." He said very plainly, no hint of malice in the words. The last thing he wanted to do was make an enemy of his sister's lover.. or whatever he was to her now, but he did want to sort a few things out. And, mostly, he wanted Veyar to understand, in the most gentle way one could put such a thing, that if he hurt Karst again they were going to have problems.